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Pooja's pov:

'Starting of the flash back'

I hate occasions, they are too boring but sometimes I had to attend for profession sake. Okay lemme give you a brief info about this weird occasion that I'm in, many psychiatrists from across the world are called here to celebrate world's mental health day. It's more like making business deals than becoming friends, anyway I shouldn't be complaining as I'm also a business woman.

"Hello pooja" Dave smith, the host took me into a friendly hug.
"I'm pleased to see you here darling, how's everything going on back in India"


"I'm still waiting for your answer" I chuckle taking a glass of wine from the waiter

"It's a no Dave, I can't leave my country no matter what, but I can work as a guest doctor"

"I'm happy to hear that, I will tell our board members and let you know the schedule" Kissing me on the left cheek he left,to release another bait in this sea of psychiatrists. I don't say I'm the best one here but I'm the new one with better passion, the people here are all more experienced and talented than I am, and you might be wondering what made these people recognise me? It's the research work that I submitted last year, which is on the conflicts between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. Doing such a great thing at twenty three might seem very miraculous to you, but I have been working on it since I'm fourteen, I'm matured at very young age. Loosing parents at young age besides raising two boys had turned me into a woman when I'm just a teen.

"Hey pooja" I put on my fake smile again to greet this old woman, who's anything but nosy. "I have read your new book,it's amazing" Thank god she didn't criticize.

"Thank you Mrs.Black"

The night prolonged like that, and around eleven I am outside, waiting for the car sent by my secretary. I have told him to send it by 10.40pm.

"Hello?" Came his sleepy voice,  I close my eyes already regretting my decision of hiring him as my secretary.
"What happened?"

"The car isn't here yet Arush!"

"What? I told him to be there by now, wait I will call him and give you the update" Not hearing my response he ended the call, this is why you shouldn't pick friends as your employees.
Arush Gupta and I met on a dating app when I'm eighteen, fortunately we became friends. He choose mba while I became a psychiatrist, I don't know what I would have done without him in my life. He is not just my best friend, but a father to me sometimes, a mother to me and boys sometimes, and a pain in ass some other times.

My phone rang again
"What happened yaar?" I sigh shivering in the night air, my mesh ruffle green maxi dress which is sexy as hell on me is very bad at protecting me from this London's cool temperatures.

"He is saying he got into a small accident"

"Oh my god, how's is right now?"

"In the police station" He chuckles
"Nothing to worry about him, but what about you babe? Should I book an Uber?"

"They don't come at this time, I guess"

"It's not India babe"

"Don't worry, I will find my way back to hotel in some hot man's car, you go back to sleep"

"Call me if something happens and don't forget to use protection while getting dirty, I can't babysit another kurup"

"Good night asshole"

"Good night my love" I end the call giggling at his affection, yes he loves me but in a platonic way.

I look around and see all the guests leaving the venue in their big big cars, I don't wanna make myself a fool here, I take opposite direction and find myself on an empty road with company of stress lights. This is not a city, it's a highway to city, maybe I can find a lift back to hotel.

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