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Next day he entered my class with a bouquet which was totally unexpected. I gave him a warm hug and whispered "Thank you" is ears, kissing him gently. That was a memorable day for me. Whenever something happens I share that with Sebastian, but that day, I didn't even look for him maybe out of anger and disappointment due to what he told me previously.

Raymond was stepping out of my class but he stopped and came back, saying-
"Have you seen Sebastian? I mean do you know or talked to him recently? Why is he absent without any notice!"
"Oh! Sebs is absent? I don't know anything about that Ray."
"Are you sure? You know you can tell me right?"
"Yeah ofcourse. But I really don't know."
"Okay then. Go attend your class, love."
"You too."

I swear, when he smiles at me, I forget how to breathe. He felt different. I laughed harder with him. As if it was a millions of feelings which represented one name 'Raymond'. I couldn't stop thinking about him in a month. I had totally fallen for him already but I always ignored that feeling. We talked the whole day about our families, our likes and dislikes, wants and hates and every possible things but yet I didn't say him about the conversation between me and Sebastian. It was Friday so the next two days were holidays.

We had tutions together that day. I went with him. After tution, I was supposed to go to my aunt's house but we went in a park by the river. It was already dark, the park had a free entry but there wasn't much crowd on that day. We chose an empty place and stood silent for a few moments, observing the tides of the river. Suddenly Raymond pulled me and pushed me against the wall, held my neck in his palms and the rest of his hands were on other parts of my body. I wrapped my legs around his waist. He kissed me on my forehead, my cheeks and then my lips. He had this way of melting every part inside of me. He unbuttoned my shirt though it was still tugged inside my skirt. We could feel each others breath rough and loud. He slowly slided by his nose from my cheek to my chin and then to neck and my chest giving me goosebumps. He left a bite mark on my upper chest and I moaned his name. "I love you Ross." "I love you more Ray." I roughly moved my hands accross his body and oozed out veins.
We heard footsteps coming towards us and hurriedly settled ourselves. We moved out of the park together ignoring the man approaching towards us. We kissed goodbye and went on our ways to home.

*DEAR READERS, What do feel so far?🤭 What's your choice in men?👀 Comment.*

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