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Someone who overthinks is also someone who overloves.

The next morning I woke up at the sound of thunder and lightning. I stood infront of the mirror; my eyes were swollen up and I had a sore throat, I cried too much last night before going to sleep. Isn't it the worst feeling when you feel like you are annoying the only person you want to talk to? I was dying to text him first that morning but I was afraid of making him mad again.
Still I made up mind and opened my WhatsApp. Raymond's named was always pinned, I opened his message box and I felt that my heart skipped a beat 'Why did you block me? Are you this much disappointed that...' I burst into tears.

I called Sebastian crying like a little child and started speaking as soon as he picked the call.
Rosalind- "I knew you would never ignore my call. He blocked me! Raymond blocked me! Why Sebs! Why?"
(he took a moment to analyse)
Rosalind- "Pleaseee say something Sebastian. I can't...I..."
Sebastian- "Okay calm down. It was your fault and you need to realise that first. Its been one month and you should have understood by now about what you really feel. Do you want me to talk to him?"
Rosalind- "Yes Sebs, Pleaseeee...please please, I will surely die by crying and overthinking..."
Sebastian- "It's okay to cry. See even the clouds starts dropping the water when it gets heavy. But I guess you have cried enough. Your voice is breaking. Drink some water and have your breakfast. Don't worry everything will be fine. Come and meet in school tomorrow."
Rosalind- "Thank you. And I am really sorry, I acted in the worst possible way. I know. Just pardon me for my behaviour. I was..."
Sebastian- "It's okay. Just let your brain function properly without reacting at everything."

Next day at school

I ran towards Sebastian and Raymond as soon as I saw them. "I am so sorry to both of you for what I said earlier. It was really my mistake and I promise to never do something like that again in future, please don't ignore me, I am helpless with you too. I am nothing..." I uttered these in one breath.
Both of them gave me a warm hug together. I giggled, Raymond asked, "How much did you cry to make your face this pale and swollen eyes?".
I just stood keeping my eyes on the ground. He grabbed my hands and pulled me closer to him, kissed on me all over my face to make me feel relieved. I gave a huge smile and hugged him for almost a minute. He whispered in my ears, "I already unblocked you yesterday. You should have checked one more time in the evening without overthinking. And... Remember what you said. Never let me down again, okay? I love you"

Guilt is like rust. It is slow and powerful and eats the person alive. Think before taking action. Fear is temporary but regret is forever.

*Dear readers, in the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take. Its a life lesson.*

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