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Now I've to remember you for longer than I have known you.

It really feels like that I would probably narrate my grandchildren. A tale of two person falling in love . Unlike others, none of them hated each other but stayed as friends who knew and understood each other. She was a wanderer but the boy lived in reality. He loved her, she loved harder. The girl imagined too far but her destiny was already written. This story wasn't meant to be an epic one but a lesson. A lesson to learn commitment, to learn the importance of communication, priority and trust.
In life we all get a sudden wave of missing someone - staying okay after a whole day, suddenly our heart hurts. I still like staring at him from a distance. Check on him in every possible way I can. Why did I push him away when I should've pulled him back? Maybe that time I unsure about my own feelings, waited for the perfect moment which actually never came. He never insulted me and maintained a friendly behaviour even after breakup, but it hurts to be friends with the person you love.

I rejected a many proposals because I am still unfit for any relationship. Its about to be two years and I might again melt with his one touch. He will never know how much power he holds over me. I'll love and admire him from a distance just like everyone admires the moon but its closer only to the celestial bodies. I would look for him in a crowded room even if he is looking at someone else.

I often go through our messages, our pictures, and imagined the way we laughed together and the way we kissed each other. I'm still living in that phase which comes in everybody's life, where I am neither able to hold my feelings nor able let it go. Still hopelessly, unconditionally in love with one person 'Raymond Karter', without asking for the same in return cause I would never receive that same love but I'm still holding onto the broken pieces of my heart.

Thinking of him now feels like touching a wound that will never heal. I am afraid what if it bleed on those who would start to fall for me and damage them even more. That's exactly everything I'm trying to run away from.

I never want to relieve those moments now. They're too precious to be relieved again. In future I would surely have a partner but he holds a place in my heart which no one could ever have. He drew memories in my heart which I would never be able to erase. That's the beauty of one-sided love which only one person could reign.

Maybe its an incomplete love story which is half-written because we weren't meant to end up together,

'but darling, you'll still be important to me with or without any conversation.I would still love you even if you aren't mine. The part of my life where I ahd you, will always be my favourite. I'll still wait for you for many more lifetimes ahead.'

*No one can relieve beautiful moments. All we can do is cherish them, forever.*

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