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Saturday: 20th August, 2022

I was sitting in my room scrolling some reels on my feed. A name popped up on my screen- 'Raymond'. I received the call without letting it ring.

Rosalind- "Hey Ray! Why were you not replying me?"
Raymond- "Seriously Rosalind, just tell me whatever the shit is going on inside that little brain of yours! what exactly do you want? ."
Rosalind- "What? I don't understand,Ray. Why would say like this!"
Raymond- "Okay then, keep pretending. Don't text or call me until and unless you are coming up with a concrete answer."
Rosalind- "Please Raymond. Just tell me what you want to know. I will tell you anything you want to know without asking questions."
(He took a deep breath of frustration and asked me)
Raymond- "What was the last thing you said to Sebastian?"
(I paused for a moment and replied)
Rosalind- "What...umm...why...Is something wrong?"
Raymond- "Huh! See. Just a moment ago you told me that you would say anything I asked without questioning. Now what?"
Rosalind- "What's wrong with you? Why are you behaving like this?"
Raymond- "Oh really! Wow, now the blame is on me. I didn't expect that you had so little faith in me that you cannot tell your boyfriend about your conversation with your best friend."
Rosalind- "No I'm sorry. I am not blaming you. I was just....."
(He interrupted me and said)
Raymond- "feeling guilty to say that you told Sebastian, you were casual about this relationship when he was warning you to control yourself and not fall for me. So according to your words, if you wanna be casual then tell me now and just drop your act."
Rosalind- "Noooo nooo! No Ray. I wasn't acting. I really feel for you. I wanted to make it look convincing and that's why I said Sebastian like that."
Raymond- "Okay then. Prove it. Take him on a call and tell him that you love me and not to advice you on our relationship."
Rosalind- "What's the point of creating unnecessary conflict Ray? I can't tell him like that but this time I promise you to tell everything. Please do be like this..."
Raymond- "Fine. Good night. See you on Monday. Please don't text me before that. You disappointed me."
Rosalind- "No listen...Hey Ray..hello? Hello? Ray? Don't..."

He cut my call without hearing what I had to say. My eyes got filled with tears. I dialled Sebastian.

Sebastian- "Hello?"
Rosalind- "Did you say anything to him?"
Sebastian- "Okay. I see now, that you only call me when you need me. You are not the same person I knew, anymore. Can't you see what he's doing to you?"
Rosalind- "I don't wanna hear anything. Just answer my question."
Sebastian- "He called me last day at night and asked me several times and I told him about our conversation."
Rosalind- "Yeah. Guessed so. Couldn't you keep your mouth shut! He asked me too but I said I didn't know anything. We got into a fight for you."
Sebastian- "For me? What role did I play in your conflict? By telling the truth and staying clear to you both? Watch yourself first and blame others, Rosalind. You should have been true to your boyfriend. I never told you not to tell him. By the way, congratulations. Go drown yourself and please ignore me, when you will realise the truth in my words, just like you are doing now. Bye."

I was filled with rage and emotions. I switched off my phone and laid down till I slept. I skipped my dinner that day. I was tired as I had no one to talk to about this. Maybe it was really my fault.

*Stay tuned for more. Keep reading and supporting. Your recommendations matters a lot to me. I would love to hear if you guys wanna suggest me anything.*

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