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"I can't."

- Gilbert Blythe


The bonfire burned in the center of the circle of teens.

"Goddess of Beltane, Sacred Mother, Queen of May," Anne yelled out to the midnight air. "Welcome to our circle."

Every girl in the circle spoke together. "We woman, powerful and sacred, declare upon this Hallowed night... Our heavenly bodies belong solely to us. We shall choose who to love and who to share trust. We shall walk upon this earth with grace and respect. Always take pride in our intellect. We'll honor our emotions so our spirits may soar. And should any man belittle us, we'll show him the door."

Anne spoke alone. "Our spirits are unbreakable , imaginations free. Walk with us goddess, so blessed are we."

Each of the girls threw their scraps of the paper they read from into the fire, before dancing around the fire together in their matching night-gowns and flower crowns.

Charlotte would have never have imagined herself being friends with these girls, let alone dancing around the fire with them.

Even Josie Pye. The two were friends, showing their love for each other by being mean and shooting insults back and forth.

Tillie, who Charlotte helped in English at school and who she would always share her lunch with.

Jane, who could always make her laugh with her snarky jokes and comments. And who would always put up with Charlottes personality.

Diana, who Charlotte traded books with and traded dresses with. Diana was the girl who helped Charlotte develop her confidence in what she wore, and as she danced around the fire, Diana's blue frilly nightrobe fitted her comfortably.

Ruby, who Charlotte would always love, despite her hatred for the girl four years ago. Charlotte would do anything for Ruby if she asked.

And Anne, her sister.

The girls danced around the flames, waving their stick covered in ribbons through the air. Charlotte stopped, turning to her left as Ruby paused, dropping to her knees and gazing up at the sky and the stars.

"What's wrong?" Anne asked. "What is it?"

Tears brimmed in Ruby's eyes as she beamed up at her friends. "How I love being a woman."

Charlotte smiled as the girls erupted into cheer. Charlotte had never felt more wanted and happier in her life.

Later that night, Anne's horse's baby was born, and Charlotte held Anne's hand as the foal took it's first steps.

"Do you remember the letter Gilbert wrote to me on Christmas two years ago."

Diana nodded as the two stood watching Delphine. "I remember you telling me about it, yes."

Charlotte nodded. "Well, in the letter he said finish the one Anne sent without asking and mail it back to me. I finally finished it today and if I can find him, I'll give it to him."

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