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Chapter B



My valentine's eve was awesome as we could talk to each other for quite long, know about each other and share few common interests. I was so excited that day so couldn't go in to sleep too quickly. I checked if my roommate was asleep.
"Hei maddy, how did your date go today?"
"Roy, hope you aren't getting an easy sleep!!" he smiled taking his head out from the blanket.
"It is expected once you spend some valuable time with your crush. I am going through an ocean." he added.
"Yes, bro she is exactly like the girl in my dreams.I think will make a perfect couple, if things go well."
"Of course kilroy, but first you must understand her better; her likes and dislikes, her ambition in life, her perspective on her future partner etc.." He spoke elaborately.
"How would I get to know all these?"
"Just spend more time with her and ask out or do enough research about her from her friends and relatives.
You must be a good listener until you earn a place in her heart.

You know 'love' is like a thesis you prepare for your lifetime.It happen once and all you have to do is lots of research on it untill itsconfirm, she is the one for life." He smiled under the blanket mesmerizing something from his past.
"Tell me how much you did, before you fell for sana? May be that can give me some inspiration to move ahead." I asked for his experiences with love.
"Actually I didn't, it all went like a stream one fine morning meeting the ocean at an estuary.

She instead took almost an year to familiarize me,doing all sort of trials, searching errors and one fine day published her thesis.She was quite intelligent!"He smiled

"What did she do to you then?"

"They play with our mind, which we have to understand and behave appropriately. If you survive all their trials to check your personality,one fine day she will be yours."

"Wow! But it seems tough." I turned nervous

"It's difficult to win a heart. But once you earn the pride you shall attain heaven."He smiled as if it had a hidden message which I wouldn’t  decipher then.
"So what should I be like?"
"You should make her aware,without her you're incomplete in life. You should be calm and composed, listen to all her madness and need not appreciate all, but never wane her.

You should be frank, genuine and shall show enthusiasm to earn her presence, but never be a adamant.
Spread with wings of tender,love, care and earn her trust. Never be in a hurry to propose her,but make her aware you miss her every now and then.

Run to her if she is in trouble and be a vent for her. Give your opinion but never compel her to do it. At the same time give high value for her opinions."

"Woman can never be wrong" Rule number three which our amateur seniors failed to teach us during the orientation. " He looked me like a sage with all his wisdom.

"I think patience would me key note to win her, rt?

"Yes,once you earn her trust, she will spend major portion of her time with you,that she fail to make any such bonds in our campus.

Girls rarely share deep bondages with each other, with few exceptions. Gradually she will begin to see a partner in you, start reciprocating  the same feelings as you. That's the moment you realise you have won her heart and propose her." Maddy's wisdom flow in effortlessly as a jet stream soothening my mind forever.

"This would be interesting. " I exclaimed.

"Yes, at the same time they might give some cues also. Like they might straightaway tell you they have a boyfriend or they are engaged with someone or they are not at all interested for time being. Then please don't get dishearted if you are sure about her. You keep a healthy distance and wait for it to happen by rules of nature. Else give away and just friend zone her." He switched to his worst scenarios  seeing my over confidence.
"How about asking her out for a movie tomorrow?"
"Yes, you should. If she said yes, she has befriended you. If she come out with her friend you need to be more a gentleman to earn her trust.

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