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A ray of light pierced through the window of the bedroom, bringing in a golden light into the room

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A ray of light pierced through the window of the bedroom, bringing in a golden light into the room. The ambience was comfortable, and it felt safe. The golden light that was piercing the room, fell right onto the alpha's face, making him groan as it interrupted his sleep. Sion slowly opened his eyes, and stretched his legs as much as he could before finally adjusting to his surroundings.

Damn, that may just be the best sleep he had ever gotten, ever. He look around, and it dawned on him. This wasn't his bedroom, where was he? Oh no, did he get kidnapped! It couldn't be! He had so much to live for, so much to do. He began to imaginarily pull out his hairs. He closed his eyes, and began to perish. Until, once again, it dawned on him.

He could suddenly feel his body, and he precisely felt a heavy weight on his good arm. He opened his eyes, and looked to his left side, and there he was. The kid that kidnapped him.

As if Yushi couldn't look any softer than before, he looked like a baby sleeping on Sion's side. Why is he so cute? He's never been this attracted to someone before, it's always been school before anything else. Why does he suddenly feel this way? He brought up his left arm, and started to caress the others hair.

He smelled so good, he looked down at his face again. His long lashes were so soft against his face, why is this boy so soft? He's so cute, and he smells so good. That's it, he smells so good. Too good. He pulled him impossibly closer and continued to smell him, god. He was candy feeding into Sion's sweet tooth. He needed to have a taste.

He looked down at his face again, Yushi still deep asleep, and he couldn't help but bring his hand to cup his face. He was cold, his skin almost ice cold. He reached his thumb down to touch the others lips. So soft, so pink, so plump, so perfect. Every detail about Yushi was perfect that it was driving him insane. How can someone be so textbook perfect?

Not to mention, they've been going to the same university for two years....how come they never met before? Was it because Sion was two years ahead of Yushi? Could it really be because of age? No because he heard when Riku ended up there, and Riku was a year behind him due to flunking a year in high school.

He couldn't quite grasp how he had never met him before. He let out a relieved sigh, feeling so calm by having the omega to his side, this closeness was doing incredible things to his alpha. Mate. What? Mate. What? The word kept repeating in his head. His alpha wanted to mate with Yushi? They met like a week ago?

He could only think to stop being weird, he barely even knew Yushi. They can't date, let alone mate. Sion was only there to pay off his hospital debt, and in return he would help Yushi get through his heat. That's it, they're not bound to be together. If anything, Riku and Yushi would be better together. Is what he told himself.

They're from common worlds, it would only make sense for it to work out. He couldn't help but he disappointed that he won't be one to mark Yushi's pretty skin. What? He placed his palm on his forehead, did he have a fever? What was he even thinking?

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