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Disgust, such a powerful emotion that can completely change the way we see things. Food can be disgusting, but also can people. Someone is considered disgusting for atrocious acts they commit. So why? Why does he feel this way towards himself.

The male observed his naked body in the bathroom mirror, observing the bruises and dried up residue all over his own body. Sick. It made him sick, he's disgusting for even letting this happen. Tears falling from eyes while looking at his reflection.

Slowly taking off the eyepatch from his face, having to face the reality. An eye infection? That's the best he could come up with? Pathetic. The purpleish skin around his eye mocking him about the events.

Just then the door opened, making him flinch and held his body as he dropped to the ground. "Tsk" was all the other person said. He recognized the tone instantly. "Don't think I'm here to apologize, if you believe that you're out of your mind" the other person said, harshly.

What did he expect? An apology? "Is this what my mother went through?" He asked. The other male raised an eyebrow at him, "Which part?" He asked.

"The beatings from your father?" He asked, not daring to look up at the male. The other male started to stretch his body at the statement. "Or...having sex with you?" He added, making the other one stop stretching.

Almost like striking a nerve, the other male forcefully grabbed his jaw and forced him at look up at him. "Be grateful I saved you from my father because that black eye isn't the only thing he is capable of, because believe me when I say he could've done much worse. Would've sent you to the hospital with your mom" he stated, harshly letting go of the others jaw.

"And don't worry about me ever wanting to have sex with your mom, that old hag isn't worth it" he stated, now striking the other guys nerve. "Then why me?" He asked, I mean, curiosity killed the cat, right?

"Do you think you're special? That I would marry someone like you? Please, after I saved your life that was the least you could do. And it won't be the last time either" he said, making the other one look at him with wide eyes.

"Don't flatter yourself so much, I would never date someone like you. And I'll make sure no one ever wants to have you either" he said, making goosebumps run down the omegas' back.

"Why are you doing this? Don't you want Yushi? Why are doing this?" He said, once again making the other forcefully grab his jaw.  "Tell me you didn't like it, tell me that you didn't enjoy it. Go on, do it. Tell me you didn't like it mut! Tell me it was horrible, and I won't ever lay a finger on you again" he said, the omega could only look at him, his lips trembling in fear. Not being able to say anything because it would be alive if he said he didn't like it, but it would also be a lie if he said he enjoyed it.

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