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(Sex? Sex! Please have safe sex yall, enjoy)

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(Sex? Sex! Please have safe sex yall, enjoy)

"Sion, please" Yushi pleaded, his body now enveloped in with all of the alpha's clothes. He was tossing and turning on the bed, hugging anywhere he could hoping the alpha would be there.

He needed the soothing feeling, he needed the comfort he usually felt from being even near the alpha. The whole reason why he was interested in him to begin with. But when he reached to where he should be, the alpha wasn't there. Yushi could only feel surging emotions within him.

He started to cry, feeling that he had been abandoned in a moment that was very vulnerable for him. He cried into the nest he had created with the alpha's clothes. Nosing at them, hoping to feel the warmth embrace of his alpha.

"Sion" he sobbed out. "Where are you?" He said, more tears falling from his eyes. He suddenly heard the doorknob twisting, and it alerted him, but his body refused to cooperate with him.

He rubbed his leg against the clothes, but to no avail. Nothing he did made him feel better. He needed Sion, he needed the alpha's intoxicating scent near him. He heard the doorknob twisting, making him be a bit alert, but his mind was too clouded by want.

When the door finally opened, the person on the other side felt like they had been hit. Not by anything physical, but Yushi's pheromones were really strong that it felt like a slap in the face.

"Sion?" Yushi asked, not really being able to see the person as it was currently night time, and none of the houses lights were turned on. "Hm?" The figure spoke out, walking towards him with something in his hands.

Yushi smiled, feeling the familiar scent walking into the room. His body trembled in discomfort. God. Not even breaking his leg was this bad. At least, it's what he thought.

"I'm sorry, I just went to get some water for you, i don't want you to get dehydrated" Sion said, turning on the bedside lamp Yushi had. Finally revealing what was once hidden in the dark. Yushi's face was flushed and sweat was making his hair stick to his forehead. His eyes were red and a bit swollen from how he was sobbing earlier.

In Sion's eyes, he looked perfect. It was almost hard to contain himself. He himself, displaying a tried some expression as his hair was ruffled in different directions. He cleared his throat and helped Yushi sit up. He then handed him the glass of water and Yushi took it.

Sion just sat at the edge of the bed and observed as Yushi basically downed the water in one go. Before he could finish the water Sion stopped him. "Slow down, you'll hurt yourself if you drink too fast" he said, and Yushi nodded. Taking a moment to breathe before slowly drinking the water.

Sion smiled at him, they had ended up falling asleep after they got home. But it seemed that Yushi's heat had intensified to full force with the time that went by. Honestly, Yushi wanted to applaud Sion. For an alpha having an omega so close to him, he's doing an amazing job at controlling himself. It made him feel all giddy inside how much Sion respected him.

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