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The omega sat on the toilet seat, it had been three weeks since his heat had come and gone

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The omega sat on the toilet seat, it had been three weeks since his heat had come and gone. The images of the way the alpha took care of him still playing in his mind. However, there was one thing he wasn't so certain of, of truthful the alpha was about using protection.

Maybe it was also his fault since he didn't exactly verify beforehand and tried to pitch it in last minute after their session together. So here he was again, feeling the same way he did years ago when he had his first heat.

A pregnancy test next to him that he was dreading even knowing what the results of it would be. He had his hands on his hair, trying not to pull it out from the stress he was feeling. Results in 3 minutes? Who the fuck made the time go slower? He thought to himself.

He never thought he'd be in this situation again, but he couldn't help to buy the test cause he was starting to feel weird, and he noticing subtle changes of himself. Most specifically what the alpha had told him yesterday.

They had found a new joy in cuddling together, it seemed like Riku's whole personality changed from day to night, but Daeyoung wasn't complaining. He was getting spoiled with affection which is something he had missed.

Not to mention that when Riku was nice, he was extremely nice. He might just be doing it out of guilt, it's something Daeyoung thought about. But nonetheless, during their cuddle session yesterday, Riku couldn't leave Daeyoung alone.

He said something along the lines of, him smelling sweeter. How his scent now had a ting of milk to it, and how it made him more attractive. That comment instantly sent him into a spiral of why he's here today.

Stronger scent? A hint of sweetness and milkiness to it? There was so way right? There couldn't be, he tried not to stress, but oh my god why was three minutes taking forever.

He sighs before taking a look at the test again, it had the results, and he instantly got up from the toilet seat. He closed his eyes, not wanting to look at it, not wanting to know. His hands shook as he grabbed the test, he breathed in and out, trying his best to calm down his nerves.

"Calm down Daeyoung, you've been through this before alone, you can do it again. Alone" he said, letting out a sigh. He quickly opened his eyes, and he let out a strangled noise. He dropped the test on the floor before falling to his knees beside it.

When he looked to his side, he could still see the test. It was mocking him, laughing at him. He couldn't help but feel tears in his eyes, this couldn't be real.

He looked to his side again to see if the test had changed, maybe it was a malfunction.

But it read again.

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