Chapter 1 Long awaited Reunion

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Ash ignoring director Clavell warning Ash would travel to the four hazard region which are called Peloponnsa, Reichland, tir na nog and Midgardis. When Ash left Paldea he wouldn't director Clavell or the other instructors what region he was traveling to but he will tell them where he is going is going to help towards his dream in becoming a pokemon master. As Ash began the journey to the four hazard regions during which certain famous people who knew of the four hazard region advice to reconsider traveling to the four hazard regions because they have heard about the reputation of the four hazard regions but just made as more curious about what is the reason why the four hazard regions have such a negative reputation. After a few weeks of travel Ash arrives would are in Peloponnsa which was the closest of the four hazard regions, when Ash arrived in Peloponnsa he saw that everyone at the dock he arrived at were giving him a cold stare because he was an outsider who had just arrived. Ash would searching for a pokemon center then find himself being challenged by what looks like a trainer who is a native who has had enough of seeing an outsider in Peloponnsa thus decides the only why of making the outsider leave is to show him how weak he and his pokemon are. As begin his first pokemon battle in the four hazard region and would how strong the pokemon of the four hazard really are and would be surprised with his opponent fights by letting his pokemon make his own choice of how to fight which would beat Pikachu so bad that it would take a whole day for Pikachu to recover. As Ash goes to Pikachu his opponent would state your Pikachu has spirit but is too weak and would never survive against the pokemon of Peloponnsa, Reichland, tir na nog and Midgardis and return to where he came from, after being pointed to the direction of the pokemon center Ash would ask for Pikachu to be treated to which the nurse of the pokemon would agree to treat Pikachu and Ash would notice that the nurse of the pokemon center was a bit kinder then the other people he say as he was looking for the pokemon center to which she would introduce herself as Hygieia then stating that she took a vow to heal all trainers pokemon regardless of which region the pokemon or trainer comes from then suggesting that after Pikachu recovers he returns where came from but would say it in a polite voice. A few after Ash came to the pokemon center he would think about what he should do he would then see a poster about what looked like a recruitment post for something called Spartirian and would see similar posts but for the Reichland, tir na nog and Midgardis. Ash would ask Hygieia what the posters were about to which she states the Spartirian are a group elite trainers were very few join because of how difficult the training is and is the some with the other posters of Reichland, tir na nog and Midgardis, Ash would then ask why these four regions are distrustful of outsiders to which Hygieia would state it is not something that can easily answered which she does not have the answer which then lead Ash to state he is going to find the answer for himself by first becoming Spartirian shocking Hygieia and a few people in the waiting room. Hygieia would explain that no outsider has ever become Spartirian and it is very improbable for Ash to join their ranks to which he states he doesn't care what he has do or how long it takes he is committed to find answers to his question and meet the pokemon of this region and hopeful become friends with them, see the determination in his eyes Hygieia would agree to help as much as she can to help achieve his goal but suggests that Ash make a record to see to his friends and family because there might be a chance of death is what Hygieia  would say to Ash which Ash would make then would call professor Oak ask him to send Pikachu's poke ball, Ash would spend the night with Pikachu after making the recording Hygieia suggested then as the sun rises Ash would make a choice that would change his journey by sending Pikachu back home along with the recording he had made before going to sleep he would then begin the hardest challenge he has ever faced in his life knowing that he could die and may never see his family or friends again. Professor Oak would receive both Pikachu's poke ball and the recording Ash had sent with Pikachu's poke ball and would also receive instructions not to play the recording until Oak open Pikachu's poke ball and have made contact with all of Ash's close friends which would contact all of Ash's former traveling companions, rivals and mother. Oak would then play the record Ash made and sent with Pikachu's poke ball. As the record begins to play they would all see Ash was the one who made it.  Ash would speak saying hello to his friends and family then say if your watching recording it means this will maybe the last time you hear/see me because there maybe a chance that I will never be coming back or rather that is a chance that I will not survive this new part of my journey, Clavell would then realize what Ash is talking about which he explain to everyone that Ash has traveled to the four hazard regions which  he would state it is filled with the strongest but most dangerous pokemon in the world also stating the reason why is because the pokemon of the four hazard regions which are called Peloponnsa, Reichland, tir na nog and Midgardis are so dangerous that there have been reports that the pokemon of the four hazard regions have killed humans, hearing this everyone listening where horrified because they have never heard of pokemon killing humans before. As they continue play the record Ash would then say that he had so many good time with his friend both humans and pokemon alike and that he will chairish the memories he has made with them for as long as he lives then thanking them all for the support on their travels which is why he make this new part of this journey alone because he feels he would never forgive himself if anything happened to them thanking them again for everything then saying goodbye which is where the recording endings. After the recording ended Serena, Ash's mother, professor Kukui and Professor Burnet would begin to shed tears of pain while everyone else was in shock knowing that they may never see Ash again but then Serena then say that Ash never gave on his journey as well as never giving up on us so I am not going to give up on him I will wait for him no matter how long it takes to which everyone who listen to the record all vowed to do the same thing for how ever long they can. As time passed everyone who was close to Ash would wait until he return however the days turn to months then months would turn into years thus eight whole years would pass. Over the last eight years everyone who was close to Ash waited as long as they could but one by one they had to accept that Ash was never coming home and was dead, the most to move on were Ash's rivals he battle throughout his journey then many of the trains he befriended moved the most of Ash's former traveling companions with start with Brock and Misty then May and Max follow by Dawn, Iris, Cilan then Clemont and Bonnie but their were still a few who haven't given up such as professor Oak, Ash mother,  professor Kukui and Professor Burnet, Ash's Alolan classmates and Serena however all but one of them were about to give up and move on but then one day everyone who is close to Ash would receive a audio not knowing who it's from but the tile of the audio message was titled A Long Awaited Reunion which Serena would be the one to play the audio message and what they would hear is a voice they hadn't heard in eight years. Ash's voice would be person who made the recording, Ash's recording would say hello my old friends if you are listening to this recording it means I am still alive and would like to apologize for worrying you all for the last eight years and for not sending any messages all this time because I haven't had the chance to send any messages even though I wanted to, Ash would also send a invitation to a tournament that he is participating and he would like/hope for as many of his friends and family to attend but would understand if they didn't come because each of them have their own lives to live and also understand if they were still mad with him for being gone for so long but he does wishes they come because he has missed they all for the last eight years. Ash's mother and Serena would accept the invitation because it will give them the chance to see Ash after so many years then everyone else would also accept the invitation because for some it will give them a chance to see how strong and how dangerous the pokemon of Peloponnsa, Reichland, tir na nog and Midgardis as well to see how much stronger Ash has become. Two weeks would pass as everyone who accepted the invitation would arrive in Peloponnsa in the two were Ash land eight years ago and had instructed them to meet. As they all arrive in the town in the instructions Ash had given them. Serena with Pikachu would begin looking for Ash then Pikachu got Ash's scent which he would run toward a hooded man but then would stop think the he was mistaken but then the hood man would approach Pikachu then picking him up then would say hi buddy remember me then Pikachu would realize that the hood man is Ash, see Pikachu reaction Serena would be the first one to call out his name to which Ash answers yes it's me Serena then saying it has been along then remove his hood reveal his face which would shock everyone because they can see the scar on Ash's left eye which made them ask Ash what happen to him  to which answers it's something he got during his train in Midgardis years ago, Serena would then walk up to Ash placing her hand on the side of his face with the scar then would hug him while tears of joy began to run down her face then saying I am glad that your still alive and that she has been so worried about you to which Ash would hug back saying I know and I'm sorry for causing you and everyone else such grief then Ash would do something that no would ever to expect from Ash which was Ash kissing Serena which shocked everyone especially Serena to which he state Serena should not be so shocked after all you were the one kissed me first, hear that Serena kissed Ash shocked everyone. Ash would then ask Serena the question who he is to her which would shock everyone again realizing what Ash is asking Serena to which she answers someone she sees as more then a friend, hear Serena's answer would shock everyone again especially Ash's former traveling companions and rivals realizing that Serena has feelings for Ash, then Ash would state during the last eight year he had asked some of the people he managed to befriend about how Serena was so supportive during his Kalos journey then explain just as the two departed she kissed him to which one of the people he befriend would say that from how you describe it Ash it sounds like this Serena girl has feeling for you, realizing this at first Ash didn't know what think about it but over the last eight years Ash would think more and more about what he learned about Serena's feels for him and then realize that he was feeling something he had never felt before but would need a little more time to sort these new feels to which would hug him again saying she has waited eight years to see Ash again she can wait a little long then Ash would compliment on how much Serena has change and likes how she looks which made Serena blush. Ash would escort everyone to the area where the tournament is being held, as Ash with everyone who could make it to see Ash compete in the tournament arrived at the entrance of the area Ash would tell the guard at the entrance the people he is escorting are with him and will take responsibility for any incident they might accidentally cause. The guard would allow them to pass, Ash would lead the group to their seats then head to the waiting room where he would get ready for his match.  

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