Chapter 21 Aftermath of the War

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Using his new eye Ash would showing what he had saw while he was unconscious. While Ash was unconscious he would be in an unknown place while wondering were he was and wondering if he was died then suddenly he heard four voices. One of the four voices would say we have been watch Ash Ketchum for a long long long time then the second voice would then say you have fought for the pokemon and humans of the world including the people of our homelands with courage and sacrifice the virtues of a true warrior, hero and leader one we can entrust the future of this world to and one who is worth of our power. Ash would then ask the four people who they are to which the voice that had finished speaking would be the first introduced himself as the high father of Midgardis Odin bestowing the power of the all seeing eye, the first voice would introduce himself as Hades the guide of the dead and would bestow his power of conference of spirit, a third voice would introduce Airmid maid of healing and would bestow her power of the healing waters and the four voice would introduce herself Frigg the war maiden and would bestow the power of fighting spirit. After the four bestow their powers Ash would notice the four before him looked different then other humans then a blinding light would appear around the four strange humans after they said return to now to your and protect them with the power we have given you and use to better the world which has always been your true destiny. After seeing what Ash saw while he was unconscious, thanks to Alexa camera which was being broadcasted to all regions including Peloponnsa, Reichland, Tir Na Nog and Midgardis, after seeing what Ash saw Lorien would have a shocked looked on his face after hearing the names of the four figures Ash would meet couldn't believe who they were. Lorien's Jormundracirius who's name is ward would explain that Odin, Hades, Airmid and Frigg were no simple humans but the first of their kind the first human pokemon hybrids. After hearing that the four people Ash meet were human pokemon hybrids would send a shockwave throughout the world, people except the people from Peloponnsa, Reichland, Tir Na Nog and Midgardis would think the existants of a human pokemon hybrid to be impossible to which  Jormundracirius/ward would explain no one nows how they came to be but what they do know was their names and the reason for the four hybrids existants was a to create a symbol that would strength the humans and pokemon. Jormundracirius/ward would then explain when Liloviatar was sealed away Odin, Hades, Airmid and Frigg would sacrificed their lives to seal Liloviatar which is why the four hybrids are still honoured to this day because of their sacrificed so the future generations could live their lives in peace. Ash would then become curious if it was possible to create a human pokemon hybrid then suddenly Ash would get a strange feeling in his head then once the feeling disapparated Ash's eye would be filled with dread which would lead Ash to hold an emergency meeting, everyone at the meeting was wondering why Ash had called for an emergency which they would soon learn. Ash would arrive to the meeting room then thank everyone for coming on such short notice then would begin to explain why he had called for this emergency meeting by first explain after they had stoped talking about the four hybrids he had gotten a strange feeling which was in fact a vision which was one of the abilities of the all seeing eye but only when the world is threatener, he would then explain what he had saw in the vision while using his new eye like a projection to show everyone what Ash had saw. When was shown would horrify everyone watching because what they saw was the most devastating weapon created which is called the scorcher bomb which has the power to destroy an entire city, Ash would then show everyone at the meeting the possible future he had saw which was Rasputin ordering the launch of the scorcher bombs which would create a massive blast zone that would devastate most of the regions of the world which would lead Peloponnsa, Reichland, Tir Na Nog and Midgardis to retaliate what would cause the end of the world. As the projection dissipates Ash would state that we can't allow those bombs to be launched to which everyone at the meeting would agree with him then would ask him what is the plan to which Ash explain we need to launch a full on assault to end the war today which everyone would agree. Ash would now explain the plan behind operation cascade which was to send Peloponnsa, Reichland, Tir Na Nog and Midgardis sky fighter corp to destroy the volgogradar military air fields while the ground forces strike every military base on the boarders with help from the rest of fighter corp in the form of an air raid. When late afternoon arrived the joint forces would begin the assault on Rasputin's forces with the bombers would begin to bomb volgogradar military air fields while the mobile artillery corp would  bombard Volgogradar military base near the boards Volgogradar and Crimeaus, after mobile artillery corp finished their bombard the joined forces troops would move in to subdue but not kill any of the Volgogradar troops because they didn't know if they were being forced to follow Rasputin's orders or did they follow his order willingly which is why the joint forces would have pokemon with the gravity move to pin them to the ground while using move that would restrain the Volgogradar troops with injuring them. Two hours would pass since operation cascade had began and the joint forces would make much progress then suddenly Ash who was leader one of unit would receive a message from base camp which would notify Ash that Rasputin's personal guard raid the base camp but luckily no one was kill however Serena was taken prisoner and was going to be held at Rasputin's headquarters. After hearing that Serena had been taken Ash would head to Rasputin's headquarters after get the approveral in the form of order to either capture Rasputin or kill him if Ash is unable to capture. Ash would make his way to Rasputin's headquarters along with his pokemon while being as stealthy as they could, Ash and his pokemon would successfully infiltrate Rasputin's headquarters finding Serena in the same room as Rasputin and his right hand man who was holding her hostage which would lead Ash to demand they let her go only for Rasputin to raise a gun to Serena then threatening to kill her if Ash didn't surrender which Ash was going to surrender but then Serena would bit the arm of the man holding Serena captive trying to give Ash an opening to restrain Rasputin which would lead to Rasputin to point the gun at Serena again but this time he was going to shot her then a shot would go off which caused Serena to look down noticing that the shot didn't come from Rasputin's gun which caused the two to turn seeing smoke from a gun in Ash's metal left hand to replace the one he lost, Rasputin would then state two years waited for the chance now you have wasted your shot then Stormer(Ash's Pikachu) would state he didn't waste it then Rasputin noticing where he was aiming the gun then dropping his gun to open his shirt seeing a hole where his heart is located then seeing blood pore out of the wound then turn his head but up to Ash with a look Ash was not expecting which was the look of someone who is amused which Rasputin would state so death has finally caught up to him then collapsing to the ground then die, Rasputin's right hand man would attempt to grab the gun on the ground but wouldn't get a the chance due to being shot in the head by Ash. After getting over the shock Serena would see a coldness in Ash's eyes which would soon disappear once he asks if Serena was alright which she would rush to him then hugging him while tears run down her face after being scared to which Ash would apologize to her because he never wanted her to experience what she witnessed,   unbeknownst to the two Rasputin activate a broadcast which was for announcement of the join forces surrender but didn't go according to plan which would now lead to the surrender of the  Volgogradar military but before everyone could celebrate Ash would notice that Rasputin had activated the launch sequence and would have a short delay which began after Rasputin death which would lead to Ash to signal a specific part of the joint forces fleet to begin to destroy the scorcher bombs, as the scorcher bombs are launched the aid Ash had called for would arrive in the form of two prototype flying war ships a cruiser called the defiant and a destroyer the valiant and would begin to destroy the scorcher bombs with help from all power house pokemon that could fly while Ash tried to look for the self destruct switch. The defiant and the valiant would manage to destroy the first half of scorcher bombs after the launch but would miss the other half but luckily Ash would successfully find the self destruct switch. After the destruction of the scorcher bomb an armistice would be signed by both sides, the terms of Volgogradar would be the following all of Rasputin's inner circle would charge for war crimes with any soldiers who willingly followed Rasputin's orders which also includes Giovanni, the rest of team rocket, team galactic, team plasma and team flare, Crimeaus and Volgogradar would reunionify back into Oponskoye and all regions outlaw the scorcher bomb. After the signing of the armistice Ash would announce that he willing be resigning from the military after stating the two years of fighting this war he has grown a hatred for war which is going to lead him down a new path. 

The video at the top is for Ash meeting Odin, Hades, Airmid and Frigg while the second video is for Rasputin's death.

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