Chapter 8 Battle of the Midgardis Warriors

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A few days would pass with Ash, his old friends and family would arrive in Midgardis. Ash's old friends and family would find the city they arrived in impressive. As the would do a little sit seeing because Ash's final match won't start till tomorrow, while they were site seeing Ash would encounter an with someone Ash didn't expect to run into and it wouldn't be any one from team savage but it would be someone who Ash can't stand, as Ash would keep showing his old friends and family around Ash would then notice that they all but though they just wanted to enjoy the moment but then Ash would get hit in the head thinking Pikachu might used iron tail but then would be unpleasantly seeing who it was who it him then saying why you flat nosed little-eyed flaky creep! As an unknown group were held Ash old friends and family while they asked him to let them go Ash would follow saying take your filthy Hands off of my friends and family which one member of the group would say come on and get them champ then another would say he ain't no champ he's a chump with other member of the group calling Ash a big hot head which would lead Ash was getting riled up he would trip and fall into an inflatable pool placed by the miscreants then another one the miscreants say that will cool Ash off then would laugh then Ash would demand that Loki give back his friends and family(it turns out that the miscreants are actually one miscreant named Loki) two of Loki's doppelgangers would hold one of Ash friends in front of a tree then as Ash try to grab her they doppelgangers pull up making Ash smash into the tree to which Ash states that this isn't funny Loki to which Loki says I agree but this is, Loki's doppelgangers would then throw fruit at Ash with four out of the ten of the fruit spattering on impact which would make the doppelgangers laugh even more which would greatly annoy Ash. Ash who was angrily annoyed would chase Loki while pull pranks such as painting Ash's face make him look ridiculous then dressing Ash in ridiculous cloths then for  a brief amount of time Ash had lost site of Loki thus had to use some of his crest bond abilities to find Loki, Ash's old friends and family would some what find Loki's pranks funny but the more mature members of the group question why he is pranking Ash so much, they would then learn that Loki has been pranking everyone in Midgardis for years then suddenly everyone would feel a scary aura which was coming from Ash who had caught up to Loki, Ash would  grab Loki head with one of his hands while he was immitting an angry aura. Ash would begin to drag Loki but would stop for a few seconds to announce to the people of the city Ash, his old friends and family were in that he had finally caught Loki and would state any one who have a bone to pick with Loki to come to the park. Later at the park many people would arrive a the park find that Ash had tied Loki to a tree. Loki would try to plead Ash to release him because what he did just a bunch of harmless pranks to which Ash would state your pranks have been driving everyone crazy for years. Ash would pull out a cart filled with rotten fruit which Loki would object because he did throw rotten fruit at any one to which Ash would state it over overdue for Loki to have a taste of his own medicine. Ash would then give the go ahead to begin throwing the rotten fruit, as everyone who had a bone to pick with Loki would throw the rotten fruit which would spatter on impact which would lead Loki to ask if they could stop then Ash would throw a rotten fruit while his mouth was open which would make everyone laugh with Loki spitting the pieces of the rotten fruit out of his mouth. Ash would then pull out a permanent marker which Loki realize that Ash planning to have everyone use a permanent maker to draw rediculous drawings on Loki's body. After using some permanent makers of different colours on Loki, after finishing using the permanent makers on Loki they would deliver his punishment in the for of community service for six months and is not allowed to use his crest bond ability with his partner pokemon Selkster the northern trickster pokemon a normal and ghost type.

Note the two the video at the top and the video after the first paragraph is for Ash chasing down Loki.

Later that afternoon Ash would have his forth and final match of the four gate tournament would facing his opponent who is called Bjørn along with his three pokemon Ymirnar the frost giant pokemon a fighting and ice type,  Surtnar the fire giant pokemon a fighting and fire type and Sinmarnar the wind giant pokemon a fighting and flying type but also had the ability to change it flying type to either fire or ice. Ash would then enter the arena with his pokemon Wyrmungand the Midgardis dragon a dragon and normal type, Theriumthropy the saber werecat pokemon a fighting, ice and water type and Draugserker the war ghost pokemon a ice, dark, ghost and fighting type. Everyone in Midgardis would shocked that Ash would make a crest bond with Draugserker because like Vemonthropy and Vampiria Draugserker had a negative reputation even though it is one the most common pokemon in all of Midgardis. Ash's old friends and family would notice that this would be the first match they seen him use a weapon which was an ax while Bjørn wields a hammer while both of them wear light armour with no helmets. As the two ready themselves for their battle they both would say to each other you better not hold back to which they both would state they'd never dream of it because it would be insult to the both of them. The final match of the four gate tournament would begin with Ash and Bjørn charging at each other which would lead to their weapons clashing which cause and explosion of ice and lightning leaving behind frozen lightning bolts, the battle would begin to become intense because Bjørn would use his crest bonds abilities which are called armour of the ice titian, fits of the fire titian and leg guard of the wind titian which make him bigger while in casing him armour of ice for his chest, flaming gauntlets and boots made of wind, with his crest bond abilities now active Bjørn would strike Ash at first it seem that Bjørn strike land but as the mist clears everyone one except Bjørn and the people of Midgardis knew how Ash evaded his strike which is revealed that Ash has activated one of his crest bond abilities which is called called wild spirit which is ability from his crest bond with Theriumthropy which grants the person bond to Theriumthropy the ability to gain some of the features of what ever pokemon their are bonded to in Ashes case he used it to gain some of the features Wyrmungand which were scaled covered clawed hands, dragon eyes, dragon wings and tail while increasing the users defence then Ash would use Wyrmungand ability which was elemental guard which allowed it's user to a resistance to all elements which means any bonded to a Wyrmungand has the ability to endure the strongest attacks of all pokemon types, with using all three of Bjørn's crest bond abilities Ash would struggle with just his two crest bond abilities so he would use his third crest bond that he has Draugserker which is called battle Frenzy which would begin to turn the tide of the battle then the two would ready to deal the final blow to each other however due to his crest bonds Bjørn attacks were slower but he would compensate using his own internal strength in his battles but in this case Ash would manage to defeat him using his own strength against him due to Bjørn's crest bond abilities cause him to burn out fast. After their final clash which caused a ice fog to appear which would cause everyone to stand and wait in anticipation for who would win. As the fog cleared the two were still stand with Ash almost losing his balance and Bjørn collapsing after returning to his normal size which would lead to Ash being declared the winner, the crowd would roar with cheers because this was the most intense match of the four gate tournament then Goh would notice that Ash seem off which would be proven true as Ash pulls his ax out of the ground then walking towards Bjørn which would lead to the referee realized what Ash is doing and would request help to restraint Ash before it's to later at first Ash old friends and family didn't understand what the referee was asking but would soon see what referee is asking when they seeing Theriumthropy, Draugserker and Wyrmungand try to restraint him which Ash would then try to attack them shocking everyone because they have never seen Ash act like this then Rotom Dex would notice that Ash's eyes are the same colour they were when he used his battle frenzy which lead to Ash's old friends and family to realize why people didn't make crest bonds with Draugserker despite being one of the most common pokemon in all of Midgardis. The main reason why no in Midgardis makes a crest bond with Draugserker was because everyone is afraid of loses control of their battle frenzy ability, it's also explained that the only ways for battle frenzy ability to stop was either the user is knocked out/dies or all the users opponents are dead, thanks to Bjørn's pokemon they managed to restraint Ash long enough for the battle frenzy ability to ware off, as Ash comes back to his senses he realizes that he lost control of his battle frenzy ability for the third time, would then apologize to Bjørn for losing control of his battle frenzy ability to which Bjørn states there's no need to apologize because Ash would restrained long enough for the ability to wear off plus he lost control after Ash was declared the winner thus didn't taint his victory. Later that night a party would be held for Ash final victory for the four gate tournament. Ash, his old friends and family would arrive to the party while Ash meets with the friends he made during his time in Midgardis who are called Arne, Frode, Astrid and Frida. As the party was about to begin Bjørn would begin to tell the story of Ash's time in Midgardis.

The first video at the bottom of the paragraph is for Ash and Bjørn introduction and keep off for their match. The second video of paragraph two is for Ash and Bjørn's fight and the third video is the attacks he uses against Bjørn at least up until the four minute and fifty second mark.

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