Chapter 13 The Battle Against the Champion

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The night before his match with Lorien Ash would reflect on all the pokemon battles he has fought in throughout his life while thinking about all the pokemon and people he has meet then thinking about all of his friends he made during his journey then he would hear someone knocking on the door of his room, Ash would open the door to find it was Serena then would invite her which surprise her because he knew what she was about to ask, after entering the room Ash would offer her a seat which she thanks him. Ash would ask Serena if she was alright to which she says that she has becoming worry about him because of how dangerous his matches looked to which he hugs her then apologizing for worrying her and the others then would wipe the tears from her face then the two would just look into each others eyes for a few minutes the two would then kissing each other, the reason behind the kiss was from their growing feeling to each other as Ash progressed through the four gate and four pillar tournament, Ash would allow Serena to sleep next to him which she was bashful at first but would accept then two would go to sleep with Ash falling to sleep first then Serena while having a smile. The next morning Ash would wake up with Serena following suit, the two would then head down to the dinning room where the rest of Ash's old friends and family were waiting for breakfast. As Ash and Serena entered the dinning room the others would wonder what is going between the two to which Ash would say he will explain their relationship to them after his match with Lorien. Ash along with his pokemon would ready themselves for their battle with Lorien while Lorien does the same and reflect on the past sixteen years since he became a champion still wonder if he is worth of being champion but would soon see when he fights against Ash while looking forward to fight him after seeing Ash's matches during that four gate and four pillar tournament think to himself that he may get the fight he was denied sixteen years ago. The two fighters would enter the arena with their pokemon. The announcer would then address the audience welcoming them to the battle of the century which would excite them all because after seeing Ash matches so far and would wonder how intense the battle that was soon to begin between Ash and Lorien will be. The match would begin with Ash, Lorien and their pokemon begin to clash, the first few minutes the two fighter tried to gage each others strength while looking for any weakness but the two seemed to be evenly matched but then Lorien would then began to get serious by using his all crest bonds but Ash and Lorien's people realized he was going to use the crest bond true potential which would know as the the harmonized bond, both Lorien and his pokemon would begin to glow in a grey light then glowing brighter and brighter then the glow would disappear revealing a giant creature which was a being that was a fusion of both Lorien and his pokemon, seeing fused being would shock all of Ash's friends, family and the people from the other regions watching the broadcast the only one least shocked was Ash due to the fact for the past year as ambassador he would learn many things which would include information on the harmonized bond which was ability that very few ever master which Lorien currently the only person to master the harmonized bond. Ash and his pokemon would try to fight the fused giant which the fused giant compliments for how well he fights but would decide to end it with an attack that was similar to tri attack which Ash barely able to dodged which would lead to Ash to asking his pokemon to try to use harmonized bond but they all try to discourage because they have yet to master the ability to which Ash states it's the  only option they have, Ash and his pokmeon would focus on their crest bonds which at first nothing happen but the suddenly Lorien would be the first to notice that the marks on Ash's body began to glow then a new mark would appear on his face in the form of a lighting bolt which everyone would learn that it's from his bond with Stormer(evolved Pikachu) and it was thanks to Stormer(evolved Pikachu) would be the key to mastering the harmonized bond, Ash and his pokemon would begin glow in multi coloured light which would glow brighter then Lorien would notice that Ash's and his pokemon eyes began to glow then Ash and his pokemon would say the same words at the same time which was we now fight as one. One body, one heart, one mind and one soul were the words that Ash and his pokemon said while having glowing eyes then the pokemon with wings would grab those who could not fly then flying to the sky the disappearing for a few seconds with Lorien learn what Ash was doing then a beam of light would appear then vanish showing that a being. Everyone would be shocked at the being that had appeared which looked like a human clade in multi coloured amour with wings on his back while holding a sword in his hands, then the fused being would then state we now fight as one, one body, one heart, one mind and one soul. After open his eyes then Ash would then charging at Lorien striking him in the chest then managing to knocking Lorien off his feet which would shock everyone including Lorien which would make Lorien laugh in excitement because this was the match Lorien has been waiting for, Lorien's form would change into a similar form to Ash. Ash's friends and family would learn that the form the two was known as a true  harmonized bond which is when humans and pokemons crest bonds are fully in sync with their bodies, hearts, minds and souls act as one being. The two fighters would now clash with blades the two now had after entering true harmonized bond which was so strong the whole audience could feel it's power. As Ash and Lorien continued to clash the two would agree to end this fight with one strike, the two fighters would charge their final attacks now charging towards each other and would swing their blades towards each other. As the blades clash a massive burst of energy which would kick up a large dust cloud making it hard for any one in the audience to see what was going on in the arena then the dust cleared both Ash and Lorien were standing opposite to each other then planting their blades into the ground which shocked everyone in the audience then would be shocked again when the two walked toward  then shaking hands. Ash and Lorien would thank each other for the match then the would agree on something then the two would fall to the ground, the announcer would then declaring a match a tie which at first shocked everyone but would erupt into cheers because of how fierce the battle was and how entertaining Ash and Lorien had made it. 

The video at the top is for the beginning part of Ash and Lorien's fight while the second is for Ash true harmonized bond transformation. I try to find a longer version but the second video was all I could find.

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