Chapter 3 The Trial Of Peloponnsa

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As would begin to tell the story about his time in Peloponnsa which would start after he sent Pikachu home with the record he had made. With a recommendation from Hygieia Ash would begin his journey in Peloponnsa start with becoming a Spartirian. Ash would he towards the training grounds where Spartirians candidates go to train, Ares would then comment that back then the Spartirians in training were not too friendly to Ash to which Ash would say everyone in Peloponnsa including Spartirians gave me the cold stare for weeks and were distrustful on top of that were constantly try to make me leave Peloponnsa. The only reason Ash managed to become Spartirians candidate was thanks to a recommendation from Hygieia which Ash would learn later was the deputy medical director of the pokemon medical centers for all of Pelopnnsa, when Ash arrived at the training camps for the Spartirians  all the trainees staring at him with a cold glare. As the first day of train begin Ash would oversleep and would made fun of by two of the Spartirian trainees then Agogeus the instructor for the trainees would order all trainees to line up then explain the trainees would answer to him if they step out of line with Ares snarking at Agogeus statement which would lead to Ares going first in the first training exercise which was to retrieving from the top of a cliff overlooking the camp while carrying two metal weights while climbing with no one being able to reach it especially Ash who only manages to make it only a quarter the way up the cliff. As Spartirian training continued Ares, Athena, Perseus, Theseus and Andromeda who trainees at the time would harass Ash at least for the first few days but then Perseus would notice that Ash keep trying to reach the spear at the top of the cliff but only reaching the half way point on the cliff every time which impressed Perseus as would Ares, Athena, Theseus and Andromeda. After long week of train Ash collapse from exhaustion during a train exercise which was carrying a two buckets filled with rock hanging on a long pole on his shoulders Agogeus would notice then pit up the pole and rock fill buckets and place it on his own shoulders  while give Ash a which in his eyes means that Agogeus is implying that Ash has failed which would lead as to smash his fist to the ground, as he returned to camp Agogeus would throw Ash's gear to him then told him to go home just as Ash was about to leave the shadow of the spear on the cliff which would be cast on him by the moon which would lead Ash to put the weights on to try to retrieve the spear only making half way then fall to the ground but then got an idea to use the weights to climb the cliff but he didn't  know that use the weights like climbing pickaxes would wake the whole camp also not knowing that the sun was rising. Ares, Athena, Perseus, Theseus and Andromeda would be the first to wake up to the noise then see Ash has almost reached the top of cliff which all trainees would see then just as Agogeus awoke to see what was going on the spear would be thrown a foot in front of him then see that Ash has reached the top of the cliff with the other trainees cheering for Ash because he was the first to reach the spear, days would pass with the other trainees thanks to Ash would complete their training because of how Ash inspired them. Two weeks would pass with all Spartirian trainees completing their training which included Ash, Agogeus would congratulate the trainees for making through the first part of their training which would include Ash which made Ash surprised because this was the first time that Agogeus or any of the Spartirians called him by his name, Agogeus would then explain that tomorrow will be the final part of your train which was to find a pokemon partner and bond with it which would lead Ash to ask the question about the mark on Agogeus body to which Agogeus answers Ash's question saying it's call a crest bond which is some way equivalent to a pokemon but one that is more permanent,   Agogeus would explain the crest bond can bound the human and their partner pokemon for life and can only be broken when human or pokemon die and is one of the reason why humans of Peloponnsa and the other three regions consider carefully when finding a pokemon to bond with plus no can really steal their pokemon, Agogeus would also explain that crest bond can also the human to gain certain abilities from their partner pokemon with each crest bond with different pokemon mean different abilities and the more crest bonds you have the more abilities you gain. Hearing this made Ash very curious and would also make him consider very carefully about what pokemon to bond with. The night before the final part of the trainees training begins Ash would join  Ares, Athena, Perseus, Theseus and Andromeda after being invited to sit with them for dinner and also introduce themselves while apologizing for there harassment, Ash would accept their apology but does understand that people of Peloponnsa and the people of the other three hazard regions are distrustful of outsiders which is one of the reasons why he is here not simple meet new pokemon and gain new battle experience but to learn why the four hazard regions are distrustful of outsiders, hearing Ash's explanation Ares, Athena, Perseus, Theseus and Andromeda would be impressed with Ash's reason for coming to Peloponnsa. The next morning all trainees including Ash would get ready to end the Peloponnsa wilds to find their partner pokemon and create a bond with them. Ash would spends hours after leaving camp to find and bond with a pokemon at first he hadn't come across any pokemon but then would a noise then finding a pokemon that looked like a metal Tauros but with long horns that are pointed like spears, the pokemon Ash found would then change at him at first Ash would dodge but then decides to stand his ground which would lead him to grab the pokemon by the horns then using some of the momentum to jump on the pokemon's back then being thrown off after some minutes the Ash would be gorned by the pokemon, the pokemon's horns would pierce Ash's body from front to back also pierce his Pancreas, Stomach and part of Ash's Liver, Ash would then cough out blood then after pull it's horn out of him blood and stomach acid began to pore out of his body and was close to death's door and would have died if Apollo a Spartirian assigned to observe Ash would bring back to camp with help Shiinotic and some Spartirian medics they manage to save Ash's life though there would now be a scar where the pokemon which Ash would learn is called Angerhorn which was the one who had gored him. Ash would would wake up to find himself in a tent while see the sun beginning to set after he could out of bed while some mild pain when getting up, Ares, Athena, Perseus, Theseus and Andromeda would visit Ash to see how he was doing but would be surprised to see him awake and trying to get out of bed, the five of them would tell Ash not to push himself because he has been unconscious all day and would have died if Apollo hadn't brought you here to the medical tent, the six of them would tell Ash that Angerhorn is one of the most dangerous pokemon in all of Peloponnsa and is well know for being one of the most aggressive pokemon in Peloponnsa. After taking the advice of the others Ash would rest for the night before going back into the wilds to find a pokemon to bond with but he would ignore their warning to stay away from Angerhorn, Ash would once again face off with Angerhorn but would be more cautious would instead of facing it head on, he would try to tire Angerhorn first then try to reason with it. At first Ash's plan seemed to work until both were ambushed by a group of humans called team savage who would try to capture Angerhorn for themselves, Ash would try to stop them and would to fight hard managing to injure some of them but would be overwhelmed by the rest of team savage then the leader of this group named Ephialtes would recognize as the outside who arrived in  Peloponnsa which leads them to plan to torture Ash to death. During Ash's torture one member of team savage was on the cliff on lookout after knocking out Apollo only to realize Apollo is a Spartirian then team savage would be shocked to learn that the one their torturing is a Spartirian in training which angered the because an outsider was allowed to join the Spartirians now they were will to be more brutal with Ash's torture during which Ash would fight by by either bitting one of their hands or smashing his fist on one of their feet, now enraged team savage decided to torture Ash to death by death by a thousand cuts. During Ash's torture the Angerhorn Ash was fight against before team savage showed up who would be impressed with Ash endurance and how he was willing to risk his life but what would impress Angerhorn the most was how Ash was willing to risk his life to save a pokemon, seeing Ash's  was not willing to give up even while being torture would ignite a flame in Angerhorn heart which would cause him to evolve into Battletaur which lead team savage to flee because they know in they no chance against a battletaur even if they were at full strength but could have a chance if they had more people with them. After team savage had fled Battletaur would turn his attention to Ash was about to lose consciousness and would pick him up then would go to where Apollo was who was just regaining consciousness who would notice Battletaur right behind him then see Ash being held in one of Battletaurs arms Apollo then remembers being knocked out and knows it wasn't battletaur that is when Apollo realizes that the Battletaur before him is the Angerhorn Ash was fighting with, seeing Ash's injuries the three of them would return to the Spartirian training camp. The sun was about to set when Ares, Athena, Perseus, Theseus and Andromeda noticed something or someone coming to towards the camp which they would notify Agogeus then all the Spartirians would see a Battletaur coming towards the camp which they ready themselves for a fight but would see Apollo walking beside it, As Apollo and Battletaur enter the camp with Battlefaur hold Ash in his arms and would bring him to the medical tent so he could treated luckily the Battletaur and Apollo rushed as fast as they could because any slower then Ash would have bleed to death. Ash would wake up the next more in a medical tent bed not knowing how he got there then he would see Ares, Athena, Perseus, Theseus and Andromeda entering the tent to see how he is doing and were a little surprised to see that Ash had woken up but were glad that Ash survived, Ash would ask how he got back to the tent to which Apollo would explain that Battletaur which Ash remembers evolved from the Angerhorn that he was facing until team savage showed up and tried to capture it, hear that Ash encountered team savage would have send all Spartirians on alert because team savage was well known for being a group of violent and brutal people who try to capture powerful pokemon and have no problem with killing people to get what they want. The six of them would explain to Ash that Bsttletaur is one of the strongest pokemon in Peloponnsa while being one of the most hazardus pokemon in Peloponnsa, they would explain that Battletaur is so dangerous that humans try to make a capture it/ make a bond with it while it is still an Angerhorn because Battletaur is the strongest close counters fighter in all of Peloponnsa then explain there were very few who have ever bonded with Battletaur. After hearing their explanation would surprised that the first pokemon he would fight was strong a very difficult to make a bond with. Then the six people who can to see Ash would be surprised when they see Battletaur wanting to make a crest bond with Ash to which would ask Battletaur is he sure about making a crest bond with him in response Battletaur jut nodded his head then extending his right arm out, seeing that Battletaur is willing to make a bond with Ash he would accept. The would make a crest after to extend their hands to each other then markings would appear around their wrist in the form of wist bands that are iron coloured. The next morning all Spartirian trainees would gather in front of the camp where Agogeus would announce that all Spartirian trainees have completed their training and will now be presented to the leader and the strongest of all Spartirians and king of Peloponnsa Leonidas, hearing that the strongest of all Spartirians was also the king shocked Ash because he never would have guessed that the strongest trainer in all Peloponnsa was also the leader of the whole region, Leonidas would then evaluate the newest Spartirians then noticing Ash because Ash was the young Spartirian he had ever seen, Agogeus would then explain that Ash was is an outsider which surprised he at first then Ares, Athena, Perseus, Theseus and Andromeda would then explain to Leonidas at first they felt the same he does but their view of Ash began to change when they see Ash every night trying to climb the cliff to reach the spear but would only make it only half way but would continue trying every night even when he was told that he had washed out he would climb the cliff and would reach the spear at the top of the cliff by using the weights to help him climb, hearing this impressed Leonidas then he would notice that Ash had a scar on his abdomen then Apollo would explain that he was gored by a Angerhorn which so happens to be the Battletaur currently in the camp, Apollo would also explain that Ash had also survived an encounter with team savage. Hear this would shock Leonidas then see that Ash has a crest bond which he decides to accept it for now but he would soon test Ash to see if he can become a true Spartirian, later as the Spartirians graduates would celebrate the completion of their train during which Ash was sitting by himself think about what he was going to do next then Leonidas would walk up to him and ask him if he is alright to which Ash tells he he is just thinking about what he is going to do now he has completed his Spartirian train he does know what he will do next then Leonidas would suggest the four gate tournament which is a competition held ever eight years with the next one being held eight years from now to which Ash says that the reason why he came here was learn why the four hazard regions were distrustful of outsiders, Leonidas would then explain that the one who currently hold the title of champion is the champion of the four hazard regions one could call the grand champion with four champions for each of the four hazard regions, hearing this shocked Ash then Leonidas ask to come join the others then Leonidas would state he would acknowledge Ash as Spartirian after he defeats me which shocked everyone, Apollo would say don't you think that is a little unfair because Ash had just finished his Spartirian training and has only had his crest bond for a whole day not to mention that as the king of Peloponnsa you have responsibilities thus will have no time to battle Ash which is when Ash realizes that is the reason why Leonidas wants Ash to take part in the four gates tournament, hearing this shocked all the other Spartirians while they have accepted through his actions during training the rest of Peloponnsa and the other three hazard regions won't accept it to which why Ash has decided to spend the next eight years training in not just Peloponnsa but also Reichland, tir na nog and Midgardis spending two years of train in each region then stating that he does have a lot to learn  and is not sure that he will survive but that does not mean that I will give up I will keep going even if this journey cost me my life, after hearing Proclamation Leonidas understood why Hygieia would give him her endorsement. Leonidas and the other Spartirians would agree to help ready Ash for the four gate tournament. For the next two years Ash would training for the four gate tournament during which he would learn the Spartirians were just a group of elite trainers but were also peacekeepers for all of Peloponnsa, at first the people of Peloponnsa were still distrustful of Ash but over the next two years Ash would eventually win their trust, Ash would also unlock his crest bond ability which is called hide of steel. When Ash's crest bond ability awakened only his hand turn into metal but learn turn his body into metal during his eight year long training. During his two year train in Peloponnsa Ash's friends would learn/see from a pokemon called oraclar which has the ability to see the past and predict certain future events how Ash became so muscular. During the two year train in Peloponnsa Ash would of a rare variant of Battletaur called pyrataur which was a fire, steel and  fighting type. As would learn that the pokemon Apollo was bonded to was called Icareath the wreath wing pokemon a grass, flying and fighting type. Ash would also learn about krakus the scourge pokemon a water, ice and dark type and that Leonidas mentor ace was Krakus. After two years the day for Ash to leave Peloponnsa had arrived which the people of Peloponnsa and Ash's fellow Spartirians would sad that he had to go but understood that he has learn all he could in Peloponnsa and still had six years until the eight gate tournament, when asked where he was heading Ash would explain that he would be heading for one of the other three regions was the closest which so happens to be Reichland, Ares would tell to be careful in  Reichland's to which Ash states if was able to survive the Spartirian training do to his unyielding spirit then he will survive Reichland, tir na nog and Midgardis and promises that they will meet again. Ash would then leave for Reichland. After hearing what Ash had endure during his time in Peloponnsa his old friends would surprised while being amazed of what he has achieved in just two years but would once again be angry with him for putting his life in danger but they would calm down and would understand why he had to endure the training and why he didn't ask his old friends to come. The morning after the party Ash along with old friends leave for Reichland which is where the second part of the tournament was taking place while the friends he had made during his time in Peloponnsa would travel to Reichland as well to see what he had learn during his time in Reichland.

The video at the top is for Ash's Spartirian training with the second video being a two year training montage and the third video is for Ash departure from Peloponnsa.

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