Chapter 5 Reichland Trial

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Ash would arrive with Battletaur in Reichland which he would learn was mostly covered in forest which would be know as the forest of shadows which is know for having the most fear and most dangerous pokemon in all of Reichland. Ash would spend his first night in Reichland in the forest of shadows but would be on guard because his Spartirian instincts was telling him to be careful. Then late into the night something would wake Ash and Battletaur then place the two on guard, then from out of no where a pokemon would attack him then bitting him should but then just disappear, the following morning Ash would begin to feel weird then as the day continued all the way to sunset Ash would become ill tempered which was unlike then the second night they spend in the forest they would be attack at night by another pokemon which would bit Ash on the neck then disappear later that night Ash would go through a metamorphosis, once the metamorphosis had finished Ash would what happen then see some of his body has change he would then look at his reflection seeing that he has turned into a monster which would lead him to go searching for the pokemon the had turned him into a monster and would find them both fighting each other. As Ash confronts the two pokemon they would be surprised at the metamorphosis which would lead the one who bit Ash earlier to use an ability that would calm Ash down leading to him reverting but to normal, Battletaur would catch up to Ash while carrying Ash's gear, Ash would find he is now close to a city, as Ash and Battletaur walk towards the city the two pokemon that had bitten were hesitant but they would follow Ash but would stand behind both Ash and Battletaur, Ash enters the city one of the city gate guards noticed a bit mark on his shoulder marking the two guards the gate to point their weapons at Ash as well as the guards on the wall aiming their arrows at him but then the second guard noticed that Ash had a second bit mark on his neck with Ash explain he got the two bit marks from the two pokemon behind which would lead to Ash learning the two pokemon that had bitten him are called Vemonthropy and Vampiria. The guards at first were hesitant about letting Ash passed the gate but learn he is the outsider who had spent two years with the Spartirians after seeing the Battletaur beside Ash. The guards would then let Ash pass through the gate but with two guards accompany him to meet the head huntress which is how Ash meet Arminius, Carla, Mathilda, Reinhard, Oskar and Brunhilda. At first the five of them were distrust of Ash and were on guard because of Vemonthropy and Vampiria which would lead him to learn about not so positive reputation. Ash would learn that before Vemonthropy and Vampiria make a crest bond with any one they first make a crest pack with who ever they bit and who ever can survive their venom. As would learn what the venom of both Venomthropy and Vampiria does to their victims. Any one bitten by Venomthropy would driven mad which meant any human bitten by Venomthropy would put into a state like a pokemon in a permanent outrage and for Vampiria any one bitten by Vampiria would be driven into a hunger frenzy which leads to the victims to kill and eat pokemon and humans, as for those who endure the negative effect of the venoms of both pokemon will they form a crest bond with the one Venomthropy or Vampiria had bitten which Ash being the first to ever be bitten by both and not having deal with the negative effects of their venom, Ash would explain I had reason to live which was to see his old friends and family again.  Brunhilda agree to train Ash as a hunter shocking the others at first but would then explain that she received a letter from Leonidas who speaks highly of Ash. The next day Ash would start his train in archery and tracking. Arminius, Carla, Mathilda, Reinhard and Oskar would be impressed that it's Ash's first time using a bow and arrow he is able to hit the targets and would be impressed that Ash had some knowledge of tracking thanks to his time with the Spartirians. After a year of training Ash was finally able to hit the bullseye moving targets but knew he need more practice hitting fast moving targets and as for his tracker training  Arminius, Carla, Mathilda, Reinhard, Oskar and Brunhilda would be impressed that he only needed a years of training to master his tracking skill with out the need to use the crest bond abilities of Venomthropy or Vampiria, after three months Ash had full master his archery skills while at the same time would hone his primal fury ability with help from his teachers Adolphus, Hrolf, Lyall and Cathwulf who would also tell Ash the history of their kind which are called beast people who have a long life span which could be up to two thousand years only if they want to which would shock Ash then would receive an even bigger shock that Adolphus, Hrolf, Lyall and Cathwulf are currently the oldest people in all Reichland with Adolphus and Hrolf being a thousand years old and  Lyall and Cathwulf being three hundred years old, Ash would also learn how to use his recovery ability he got from Vampiria thanks to his teachers  Drusilla,  Magnus,  Celeste and Selene who would also tell Ash the history of the their people who are strixian who have the potential to live forever but can still die through injury, while a few strixian decide to live forever most decide to live a mortal live because they have a deep appreciation for life most like Ash who believes out live the people he cares about is not worth being immortal which didn't surprise them. During two years in Reichland Ash would encounter team savage for a second time but this time Ash with help from Battletaur, Venomthropy and Vampiria would defeat and capture this small group. After two years in Reichland Ash would depart for the next closest of the four regions which was Tir Na Nog and on the way Ash would spend honing his crest bond abilities with Battletaur, Venomthropy and Vampiria the would reach the north port of Reichland then boarding a ship heading for Tir Na Nog. After hearing the story of Ash's time in Reichland his old friends and family would be amazed again with what Ash endure even more amazed about certain people in Reichland have potental to live forever but a little surprised that Ash didn't accept because since they now Ash so well they understood his reason, after hear the story everyone would continue to party then following morning they will leave for Tir Na Nog then after his third match they will hear about Ash's time in Tir Na Nog.

The video at the top is for Ash's train in Reichland while the video at the bottom is for another part of his train and his second encounter with team savage as for the video in the middle is travel montage for Ash before setting sail for Tir Na Nog.

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