Chapter 18 The steel of war

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For the first few weeks Ash's unit would be over seeing supples heading for the battlefront and giving some battle strategies for the front line soldiers which the commanding officers of Crimeaus military would take into consideration but Ash was the lowest ranked officer, while Ash was filing a report on the war to Lorien then check on his old friends who wanted to do what they could for the war which Ash refused to let them anywhere near Crimeaus but they were stubborn eventually Ash would let them come on the condition they work as volunteers supply workers and medics at the hospitals far from the front lines. Months would pass since the war begin with both sides at a stalemate all the while Ash had his most stealthy pokemon to gather intelligent without drawing attention, Vemonthropy(Fang) and Vampiria(Flora) would return to report to Ash on what they had turned up. It was late in the even when Vemonthropy(Fang) and Vampiria(Flora) return then reporting to Ash who was in his courters about to turn in for the night, when Vemonthropy(Fang) and Vampiria(Flora) enter his courters the two while in angered state then showing a recording of civilians that were trying to escape the crossfire which would include women, children, the sick and infirm only to executed by Rasputin's forces which horrify him for a a few seconds then Ash would enter a angered state then stating that this madness has gone on long enough then I no long care if we're not ready, if we're out numbered, out gunned or what the news says about us this madness stop and it stops now, if Rasputin wants to a war with us then it's time to take the war to Rasputin then would say to Vemonthropy(Fang) and Vampiria(Flora) inform the troops and contact Lorien as of this moment we fight back and fight hard to which Vemonthropy(Fang) and Vampiria(Flora) state I thought we were looking for a more peaceful way to end the war those troops were followig orders then he would follow up stating any soldier who executes orders like that are guilty of war crimes and deserve any punishment fitting their actions, Ash would then state to Vemonthropy(Fang) and Vampiria (Flora) that we're riding into this war and any who wishes to defect and join us fine, if they get in our way we'll knock then to the ground and if they kill one of our we'll kill five of theirs and we keep going we don't rest, we don't slow down and we don't stop we go after the cities under occupation then occupation, Arceus help anyone who gets in our way. The next morning Ash would order his unit to begin mobilize which would make many at the base camp wonder what is going on which they would soon learn. Ash would thank everyone for attending this meeting then explaining why he called the meeting which was being broadcasted to Peloponnsa, Reichland, Tir Na Nog, Midgardis and the others regions. Ash would explain he sent  Vemonthropy(Fang) and Vampiria (Flora) on a reconnaissance mission who have come back with a recording which would horrify Ash' old friends, family and the people of the other regions while alarmed the people of  Peloponnsa, Reichland, Tir Na Nog, Midgardis at how Rasputin's forces executed civilians who try to escape the war zone. Ash would state enough was enough I am no long will stand by while innocent civilians die which why as of this moment I will be fighting against Rasputin's forces until Rasputin is defeated. After hearing Ash's declaration  Artemis, Heimdall, Baldur, Signy, Sigmund, Aengus and Áine would state they're full support Ash's declaration as would Leonidas, Brunhilde, Danu and Björn with many of the people  Peloponnsa, Reichland, Tir Na Nog, Midgardis would also give Ash their support, seeing how many people are willing to support Ash's declaration and would hear what Ash's strategy which he would explain is to destroy Rasputin's supply lines and military manufacturing facility while avoiding hitting any civilian centers. Ash would also explain that he would only need a single battalion for the land based operations, a few ship to blockade the coast and six sky fighters to use to bomb the supply lines and military manufacturing facility while giving one last task which was to free every pokemon from the military manufacturing facility before destroying them. Ash would call his strategic plan operation Shadow Strike which would begin tomorrow morning.

The video is for when Ash sees the record Vemonthropy(Fang) and Vampiria (Flora) brought him as well as Ash making a declaration. 

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