Chapter 17 The Coming Storm

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Ash would take part in a meeting with every regions scientist talking about the two suggested joint research which was to seeing if pokemon not native to Peloponnsa, Reichland, tir na nog and Midgardis could evolve to their forth stage evolution where the pokemon reach their forth stage humanoid form while seeing if they will be able to speak verbally. The scientists would notice that Ash was in a dazed state to which Ash would explain he hasn't gotten much sleep which would lead them to ask if Ash saw Liloviatar face again to which Ash confirms, the scientists would state it has been three days since the battle with Liloviatar, they state that it will take time for Ash to make peace with killing Liloviatar. As the meeting ends Ash would receive a message from Lorien. Ash would meet up with Lorien to ask the reason for sending the message to which Lorien answers they needs help with a diplomatic mission to Siberius region because the region is currently divided into two factions them being Volgogradar and Crimeaus. The reason for this diplomatic mission is do to growing hostilities between the two factions this mission is to make sure that a war does not erupt. The diplomatic envoy travels to Siberius the first destination is Crimeaus to meet the Crimeaus representatives, Ash and the diplomatic envoy would meet the current leader of Crimeaus who is called Perun. The diplomatic talks would begin with Ash asking why there is tention between Volgogradar and Crimeaus to which Perun answer that Siberius was once called Oponskye before team terror appeared, he would explain that team terror are a human supremacist group who believe that pokemon are inferior beings, Perun would explain that it was around two hundred years is when team terror was founded by a man called Rasputin who is currently alive through cryogenic, Perun would explain at first team terror were just a group of people who vandalise pokemon centers and governmental buildings but then a hundred years ago team terror would start an uprising with their followers which is how Oponskye/Siberius was divided in two faction Volgogradar under the control of team terror and Crimeaus the surviving opposition to team terror. Ash would learn that the two factions have been in an cold war for the last hundred and in recent months team terror's have been active which would lead to Ash learn the recent actions of the defeated team savage and the activities of team terror were connected. The diplomatic party would be surprised to hear what Ash has learn but begin piecing things together then realize that team savage and team terror had struck a deal which would be revealed after the meeting with Rasputin in order to properly decided which faction to support. Ash along with the diplomatic envoy would travel to Volgogradar to meet Rasputin, Ash would then notice the treatment of pokemon in Volgogradar and what he saw was not a pleasant sight. Ash and the diplomatic envoy would meet Rasputin, Ash made the right choice of not bring his pokemon because he had heard the rumors about treatment of pokemon in Volgogradar now seeing those rumors were true which would lead Ash not not trust Rasputin but would make a decision to support  Perun after the meeting with Rasputin. Ash and the diplomatic envoy would meet Rasputin who wasn't pleased to meet them even though he didn't show it on his face Ash could see it in his eyes, Ash and the diplomatic envoy would hear out Rasputin while not mentioning their talk with Perun, as the meeting went on Rasputin would make audacious demands which was Crimeaus and the other regions to surrender all authority to him in order to put the pokemon of the world in their place, after hearing Rasputin's demands Ash and the diplomatic envoy would leave the meeting room after saying they will need to talk to the leader of the region before making a decision to which Rasputin agrees for now. As Ash and the diplomatic envoy were far enough out of Rasputin earshot which would lead Ash to say that Rasputin is insane to which the people part of the envoy agreed to his statement then would then report to Lorien of how the two meetings went Ash would respond say it would be easier to see our memories of the meeting plus they would be able to make the decision about which faction to support, after seeing Ash's and the envoys memories Lorien would decide to support Perun after seeing how insane Rasputin is then suddenly Veles the current ambassador of Crimeaus and old friend of Perun would arrive to alert everyone that Rasputin has made a declaration of war and is begin his assault on Crimeaus. Ash old friends and family were wondering how Rasputin plan to wage war to which Ash explain that Rasputin has an armed force with weapons that kill both humans and pokemon. The weapons that Rasputin forces have are called guns or firearms which fires a small piece of metal that can pierce any body depending on the kind of bullet the gun fires. Ash would then state the only regions that would stand at chance against Rasputin forces would Peloponnsa, Reichland, Tir Na Nog and Midgardis which made all of ash's old friends and family ask what does he mean while Lorien tries to play dumb to which Ash laughs then state did you really think I would learn about the four region technology and military which flabbergasted Lorien and his people but would ask how long have you known to which Ash explains it was a few month after becoming ambassador which Ash would would use his new position to learn about the history of Peloponnsa, Reichland, Tir Na Nog and Midgardis, during his research Ash would learn a lot about the four regions pokemon then learn about the great rupture and finally discovering that Peloponnsa, Reichland, Tir Na Nog and Midgardis are most technologically advanced regions in the world while possessing the worlds strongest military. After hearing Ash's statement old friends and families would ask what he was talking about to which he explains that two thousand years after the great rupture a few people from Peloponnsa, Reichland, Tir Na Nog and Midgardis made a discovery that would change their futures forever, what they discovered was a crystal which would later be called arc crystals which contain a massive amount of energy that was also better then the blood of Lazarus. Later they learned that the arc crystals didn't just have a massive amount of power but it was unlimited which would cause Peloponnsa, Reichland, Tir Na Nog and Midgardis to develop technology faster then the other regions and would continue to advance over the last six thousand years, to prove Ash clam Lorien would order the Optical camouflage of the four regions be lifted. As the Optical camouflage lifted all of Ash's friends and family as well as the people watching the broadcast would be shocked at what they would see, Ash's friends and family would be amazed at the buildings and technology they see all around them which was more advanced then others regions and would notice that the builds have half of their parts covered with plants which symbolizes that the people Peloponnsa, Reichland, Tir Na Nog and Midgardis live in harmony with nature, Lorien would then state that over the last six thousand years since the discovery of the arc crystals his people would learn that the arc crystals are responsible for the forth stage evolution and the reason why pokemon of Peloponnsa, Reichland, Tir Na Nog and Midgardis are able to talk verbally. After the big reveal Ash and Lorien would lead Ash's old friends and family to a few military bases to showcase the weapon the soldiers of Peloponnsa, Reichland, Tir Na Nog and Midgardis use which would surprise Ash's old friends and family as well as the people still watching the broadcast. The weapons used in the military showcase were pistols, rifles and artillery that would fire condensed fire balls, icicles shards, wind bullets and stone shoots. Commander Artemis would then state the traditional artillery were decommissioned a hundred years ago because how impractical they had become which would lead to the creation of the mobile artillery in the form of  mecha armour. Lorien would then order to armed forces of  Peloponnsa, Reichland, Tir Na Nog and Midgardis to send support for Crimeaus but only in defence systems, medical supplies and humanitarian aid which would receive thanks from the general of Crimeaus military Triglva and Crimeaus and the minister of foreign affairs Morena. The Crimeaus forces had an informant in Volgogradar who is called Kikimora who has her own interests in this war while have a mole within the called Rusalka who wants Rasputin out of power if not died. Ash would then request to join the fight against Rasputin forces which at first Lorien was going to deny but seeing that Ash wouldn't take no as an answer he would grant Ash's request but on the condition that Ash becomes a strategic officer to which Ash would agree to the terms. Ash would spend two months training to become an strategic officer then passing his training then being granted command of a relief supplies unit, Ash would soon see what war is and see it's true nature.

The video at the top is to describe Rasputin character.

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