Chapter 20 the Long Dark Boarder War

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In the weeks that would follow after the raid in an attempt to destroy the mind control device Triglva would inform the joint forces that Rasputin was mobilizing all of his military force for an all out assault on Crimeaus which the joint forces would manage to mobilize in time but it would lead to what history would call the Long Dark Boarder War. A whole month would pass since the assault began while the joint forces have yet to take any casualties however that didn't mean there were injured troops. Alexa would arrive in Crimeaus trying to get a story on how the war was going, the only reason Alexa was able to enter Crimeaus was her due to knowing Ash which Ash would allow her onto the base then would lead her to the medical tent which would make Alexa curious why he was leading her to the medical tent then what she would see inside the tent would horrify her. Alexa would see soldiers with different kind of injuries such as burns, bullet wounds and broken bones while few soldiers were missing a arm, a leg or even an eye then Alexa would notice a specific part of the medical tent then was about to ask Ash what specific part of the medical tent was for then suddenly the two would hear a noise from specific part of the medical tent then find a injured soldier that was in a panicked state. Ash would go to the panicked soldier in order to calm him. After the panicked soldier calmed down Alexa would ask Ash what was that about to which Ash explains the soldier has post traumatic stress disorder which was due to shell shock from the battlefield while having a near death experience. Ash would then make a statement about you wanted to know about the war how about you make a story on the true nature of war which Alexa would with a sad look on her face would agree to make a story on the true nature of war then would realize Ash wants this story so that future generations would have no desire for war. As the war continue with Ash's help Alexa would show the whole world the true nature of war and if would the most horrifying site any had seen or will ever see, everyone would see soldiers dying on the battlefield from guns and artillery while seeing the devastation the weapons of both sides bring, the Long Dark Boarder war would last two whole years with the casualties entering the tens of thousands which consisted of soldiers from Crimeaus and Volgogradar. Serena along with Ash's old friends and family would work at the medical center help the wounded soldiers as best as they could then one they would all get a nasty shock when they hear Serena screaming in horror which would lead the rest of Ash's old friends and family to see what the reason why Serena screamed which they would soon regret after seeing what made Serena screamed which was a gravely wounded Ash, they would then ask what happened to which a Crimeaus front line command named Svetovit would explain that an artillery strike near Svetovit and some of his troops then Ash would appear before them then shielding them from the blast but would get injured in the blast. The medics would place Ash on medical tent bed with Serena seeing Ash's injuries which was a damage left arm with his left hand completely blown off and the whole left side of his face being covered in burns while his left eye was scorched. The medic would use every medical tool available also using pokemon with healing moves which was taking till night fall to complete the heal but Ash had yet to wake up, everyone would leave to let Ash recover everyone except Serena who still by Ash side while tears were running down her facing while please Ash don't leave me. Ash would remain unconscious until the morning of the second day Ash would begin to wake up and the first person he sees was the person he was in love with, Serena would see that Ash had waken up then would hugging him while crying tears joy seeing that the man she loves is still alive. The rest of Ash's friends and family would enter the tent seeing that Ash's has waken up then would surround him to see if he was alright then suddenly they would notice that Ash's left eye had change which Ash would explain by using the power of his new eye.

The video at the two of the page is for the Long Dark Board war.

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