Chapter 12 Battle of the Four Pillars

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The next morning Ash would ready himself for the battle against the pillars. Ash along with Battletaur, Jormundracirius, Draugserker, Vemonthropy, Vampiria, Theriumthropy, Gybuid, Viricore, Griffipress and Stormer(Ash's evolved Pikachu) would ready themselves for the battle with the four pillars. As Ash puts on his armour he reflects how far he and his pokemon have come, after putting on his armour he picks up all the weapons he will be using in the battle with four pillar, Ash and his pokemon would head toward the arena grounds, announcer would introduce the final participant of the four pillar tournament the first outside to be trained by the four arena master as well as the first outsider to bond with some of the strongest native pokemon of Peloponnsa, Reichland, tir na nog and Midgardis while also being the first outsider to ever participate in the four gate and four pillar tournament the underdog turn rising star Ash Ketchum. The announcer would then introduce the four pillar the lord of the sea  Poseidon, Siegfried the dragon slayer, Balor the one eyed weapon master and Freya the rune mage. The announcer would explain to the audience that usually the final participant of the tournament would choose which one of the pillar's in order but then announcer would stutter which everyone notice then Ash would a Griffipress/Ray to bring the announcer down which made everyone curious what is Ash doing which they would grab the announcer's microphone using it to make announcement that he had the desire to fight all four pillar's at once. Hearing Ash's declaration dumbfounded the audience, Ash's four teacher and the four pillar's even Lorien was dumbfounded what Ash had declared. The people in the audience though that Ash was crazy for suggesting such a match while the four pillars would state that Ash has such audacity to challenge all four pillars at once then Ash would began hurling a few insults at the four pillars even roasting then while burning their egos which would strike their nerves enough that they would angrily agree to Ash's challenge and would enter the arena ground with their pokemon. Ash would notice that most of Poseidon pokemon he recognized  and would get to see krakus for the first time, while recognized all of Siegfried's pokemon, the same with Balor's pokemon which include dullahelm the phantom knight pokemon a fighting, steel and ghost type and Banwraith the screaming lady pokemon a dark and ghost type. Ash would also recognize Freya pokemon such as Fossegrimnote, Hildisvíhorn the harold pokemon a grass and fighting type and Valkynir the sprit warrior maid pokemon a steel, fighting and ghost type. Ash's old friends, family and the people from the other regions watching the broadcast knew that Ash was at a disadvantage in numbers and experience when compared to the four pillars but they all knew how unpredictable Ash was, just as the battle begins Ash reminds his pokemon of the plan for fighting the pillars pokemon. The battle would then begin Battletaur(Charger) and Stormer(Ash's evolved Pikachu) would fight Poseidon's pokemon. Vemonthropy(Fang) and Vampiria(Foral) would fight Siegfried's pokemon. Gybuid(Pierce) Viricore (Stinger) and Griffipress(Ray) would fight Balor's pokemon. Jormundracirius(Talon), Draugserker(Axel) and Vemonthropy(Huntress) would fight Freya pokemon. Ash would then fight the four pillars themselves, at first glance it would look like Ash was on the defences while struggling to keep up with the pillars but Leonidas, Brunhilde, Danu and Björn realize Ash was in fact pacing himself while gaging the pillars strength and looking for any weakness. After half an hour Ash would signal his pokemon it was time to put the plan into action which was to have each of his pokemon switch opponents then work together as a team to take down each of the pillars pokemon while Ash would detach his armour only leaving him with the light armour suit and would use his crest bond abilities to weaken the pillars enough so Ash can use the move he been save for this match. The battle between Ash and the four pillars would become ferocious which would lead Ash to strike Poseidon's shoulders, Siegfried's knees, one of Balor's shoulder and knees and one of shoulder and knees Freya's. The four pillars realize that the limbs Ash had struck won't move what would make Balor realize what Ash was using, Ash would then knock each of the pillar's starting with Poseidon then Siegfred followed by Balor and finally Freya, the announcer would then declare the the winner by a quadruple knock out which made everyone in the audience roar with cheer. As the four pillars begin to wake up they would start laughing realizing what Ash plan was to fight the them which was to look for opens and weakness the exploit them to which Ash explain during his eight year train he had heard of the strength of the four pillars which would lead him to do some research on the pillar but knew it wouldn't be enough to defeat them thus Ash had to fight them to learn what their weakness were then once he found their weakness he would use his halted pressure point technique which he learn during his train in Tir Na Nog which took four years to full master, hearing about the technique Ash had used which had only mastered at the last minute made the pillars laughing in amusement then the four pillars would say that Ash reminds them of Aragon to which he asks what do they mean to which they explain that Aragon was a stubborn person but he cared about pokemon and those who are dear to him while alway to fighting with honour and always found way to make match more entertaining in fact Aragon match with the previous four pillars was exactly like Ash's match, the four pillars would then explain that Aragon was their friend and long time rival and would also explain that some of the ancestors of the four pillars were also four pillars which includes Poseidon's father Hercules, Siegfried mother Kriemhild, Balor's mother Cethlenn and Freya's father Váli. The four pillars would tell a few tales about after becoming champion Aragon the two tournaments before Lorien became champion were the most entertaining since the early days of the four gate and four pillar tournaments, the four pillars would explain the two tournaments when Aragon was champion would have the participants fight in a battle royal theme tournament against the arena masters and the four pillars with any remain contestants would have the chance to fight Aragon which would get all contestants fired up every time. Do to the rivalry Poseidon's, Siegfried's , Balor's and Freya's had with Aragon is what lead them to become the four pillars and one day hope for one of them to defeat Aragon but never got the chance since Aragon's death which lead to the last sixteen years of them swallowing their pride until their battle with Ash because they had heard about his eight year long training and had heard that he had fought against team savage which would have the current four pillars wanting to fight Ash for sometime and would desire to fight Ash even more after seeing his battles during the four gate and four pillar tournaments and would find the wait was worth it.

The video at the top is for Ash and the pillars get ready for their match, the second video is for the fighters introductions and the third video is for the battle between Ash and the pillars.

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