Chapter 9 Trial of Midgardis

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Ash would arrive in Midgardis largest port city in  the south, when he land the dock master would notice him and would him who Ash was but would then realize who he is and would ask to confirm Ash's identity which Ash confirms that he is the outsider that has been training for the last six years in order to ready himself for the four gate tournament and has arrived in Midgardis finish training. After getting his answer the dock master would suggest he study under the master rune maker Bjørn and point him to the mountains to the north to which Ash would begin to traveling to after thanking the dock master who is called Birger, instead flying to the mountains Ash would instead deciding to travel by foot so he can see some of the sites in Midgardis, as Ash travels to the mountains the people would begin talk amongst themselves about Ash specifically his six year journey so far and would notice Ash is planing to train under master rune maker Bjørn which some how is not surprising to them then stating they are looking forward to see what the next two years will like. It would talk Ash two full days for him to reach the mountain where the master rune maker Bjørn was located, Ash would then knock on the door of the master rune makers home which was a long house located in the mountains, with Bjørn being the one answering the door Ash would ask Bjørn if he can come in, once Bjørn realized who Ash was he would let him in that Ash would meet four of Bjørn top students who are called Arne, Frode, Astrid and Frida. Ash would introduce himself to Bjørn and his students which for a moment the five were considering sending him away but would see the resolve in Ash eyes even if they send him away that wouldn't stop him so they decided to train Ash in the art of rune making. Ash would begin his train with Bjørn and his students first learning what runes are which are symbols of power and once they are engraved into a weapon or a piece of armour can grant certain abilities. After spending two weeks studies runes Ash was now ready to begin engraving runes into his gear but first he would be task to create a weapon that is made in Midgardis which would be an ax and thanks to his weapon/armour making training he received in Tir Na Nog on top of that his train in Peloponsa and Reichland also helped in fact Ash finished forging his new ax the same night of day he was task to forge his ax. The next day after forging his ax Ash would browse through the every book on runes before engraving ax then deciding to engrave his ax with ice runes with each one granting Ash's ax the ability to use various ice attacks which would take Ash three months to fully master. After completing his rune maker training Bjørn would instruct Ash to find a pokemon and make a crest bond with it, it would take two weeks but Ash would make a crest bond with Wyrmungand would surprise Bjørn and his students because it's extremely rare for anyone to make a crest bond with Wyrmungand because they are the most difficult pokemon to find in all of Midgardis, Ash would then explain that he bonded with a second pokemon is unable to make an appearance for certain reasons. After making a crest bond Ash would spend the next few weeks honing his crest bond abilities and would manage master his elemental guard ability but only manage to partially master his battle frenzy ability. After mastering elemental guard ability Ash would make a request to Bjørn which was to engrave runes into the gear he received during his training in Peloponsa, Reichland and Tir Na Nog. At first Bjørn was going to refuses but seeing that Ash was not going to take no for an answer and would decide to grant his request, Ash would engrave lightning runes into his lance, fire and wind runes into his bow, healing runes into his armour and earth plus metal runes into his shield which was the reason why Ash didn't use any weapons against Leonidas and Danu while only using a standard bow against Brunhilda. Bjørn would end the story their then after hear the reason why Ash did used the gear he received during his eight year training until his match with Bjørn and would understand that Ash wanted to have a clean match because he felt he would have cheat if he used the rune graved gear. Professor Kukui would then ask Ash now that he has won the four gate tournament what is next for him which would Ash teachers and friends he made from Peloponsa, Reichland, Tir Na Nog and Midgardis would laugh then asking Ash he did tell them what the four gate tournament is about to which he states that it slipped his mind because he distracted and prioritized catching up with his old friends and family. Ash and his teachers would explain the matches Ash had won were only the qualifiers for the next stage of the next stage which is called the four pillar tournament. Hearing that Ash four wins were just the qualifiers shocked them, Danu would then explain four gate tournament is for those who win in the four qualifiers matches would earn the right to participate in the four pillar tournament with the winner given the chance to face off with the four pillars(elite four) and if you defeat them you get the chance to fight the campion of Peloponsa, Reichland, Tir Na Nog and Midgardis, Ash would then explain that Leonidas, Brunhilda, Danu  and Bjørn official tiles are arena master which the equivalent of a gym leader. Hear that the people Ash had defeated were the equivalent of gym leaders Ash's old friends and family began to wonder how powerful are the four pillars and the campion which  Leonidas, Brunhilda, Danu and Bjørn would answer say the four pillars were their teachers and were never able to beat them which would shock Ash's old friends and family. Ash would tell his old friends and family what he has learned about the four pillars with the rest of the information shared by Leonidas, Brunhilda, Danu and Bjørn. Leonidas teacher is called Poseidon who holds the tile of lord of the sea and has only one water type pokemon which is Krakus with the two being flying types, two ice and one electric type pokemon.  Brunhilda's teacher is called Siegfried the dragon slay who ironically has a dragon type pokemon as his ace with the rest of his pokemon being fairy or ice type pokemon. Danu's teacher is called Balor the one eyed weapon master who had two ghost, two dark and two psychic pokemon and then there was Bjørn's teacher Freya the rune mage who had multi typing pokemon. Ash's four teacher would then explain for years the four gate tournament and the four pillar tournaments always got everyone excited  in the past but in recent years it has become not as entertaining as they were in the past do to the strength of the current arena masters, four pillars and campion which to a small amount of participants for the tournament, an example was the last tournaments which only had twelve contestant, hearing how few the amount of contestants their were shocked all of Ash's old friends and family then Leonidas, Brunhilda, Danu and Bjørn would explain just before Ash's four matches the other participants gave they all which lead to this year having sixteen contestants which included Ash, Ash's friends and family would realize what Ash meant by the states he said to his four teachers during his four matches which as  Leonidas, Brunhilda, Danu and Bjørn would let twelve contestants win which would leave a bitter taste in their mouths as well as the contestants which was also the same with the four pillars but that all changed when Ash began his training in Peloponsa, Reichland, Tir Na Nog and Midgardis which at first were intrigued but would pay much attention but over the next eight years Ash would inspire them which would lead to the other fifteen contestants to win their matches without Leonidas, Brunhilda, Danu and Bjørn swallowing their pride and Ash would also inspire his teacher to give their all in the matches. Ash's four teachers and his warrior friends would then kickoff Ash four gate victory party and would let Ash drink alcohol in fact some of his warrior friends would challenge Ash to a drinking contest and Ash's old friends who were legal drinking age would drink some alcohol, Ash would manage to drink a some of his warrior friends then drink a liquid to make instantly sober so he could drink a little more alcohol while dancing to a song that he enjoys to dance every time he hears and his old friends who are legal drinking would dance to the song who also happen to a little drunk, everyone would not only dance but sing along to the song that was currently playing and they all would enjoy themselves to they all felt like falling asleep which they would after drink some fluid to make sure they don't have hangovers the next morning and they would take Ash's suggestion. The next morning Ash, his old friends and family as well as his teachers and warrior friends would travel to the place where the four Pillar tournament would be held which was called Danelaw.

Note the two videos of songs from Skald are for Ash's rune maker and crest bond training while the two the high kings song are Ash's victory party.

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