Chapter 4 Battle of Reichland Hunters

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Ash and his old friends would make their way to Reichland where the second stage of the tournament was being held but the just as they all were heading to the area they were ambushed by Jessie, James, Meowth who have joined forces with team savage and would manage to capture Ash and his friends then taking them to the arena. The leader of the Reichland team savage named Geiseric would use a video camera to broad cast to all of Riechland then stating that they were going to kill the outsiders who dared to enter their home region and would start by executing Ash who has had his hands chained which metal weights that are heavy enough to to weigh Ash down while using some tranquilizers to keep him sedated until his execution then Meowth would notice bite marks on Ash's shoulder and neck then asking  Geiseric about what pokemon has crest bonds in the form of bite marks which would alert Geiseric because he nows of only two pokemon that leave permanent bite marks on humans which lead Geiseric to order all team savage to attack Ash who has just recovered from the tranquilizers then his nails would turn into claws then his skin began to turn a dark brown then would awaken with a roar grabbing everyones attention, team savage would ready themselves to kill Ash while Ash gets back on his feet while his body to his old friends surprise was morphing, during Ash's morphing his arms and legs got bigger same with his torso then Ash would grow fangs while his eyes turned pitch black, Ash's metamorphosis would terrify his old friend. Geiseric would order few members of team savage to fire ballista bolts at Ash but would miss do to Ash dodging most of them then using the second last one which would only break the chain that was attached to his right hand then would use his newly freed hand to break the chain holding down his left hand. Jessie, James, Meowth would panic for a bit before being snapped back to reality by Geiseric who would put their back up plan which was if Ash manage to break free from his chains they would order the other members of the Reichland team savage to kill Ash's old friends but some how the one's holding Ash's old friends hostage were knocked out by something or someone, team savage would fire the final ballista bolt but Ash using his claws would deflect the bolt they kick it sending at the ballista destroying it in the process then using the bolts then sending those bolts at the other ballista's which would also be destroyed then Ash would use the final the ballista bolt to launch himself towards the top of the arena which would scare Jessie, James, Meowth to which Geiseric would say he won't reach them the ordering the archers to fire the arrows but Ash would use a part of the arena wall he just broken off as a shield to use as cover then as the broken piece of the wall began to fall then would break into pieces after hitting the ground, two members of the Reichland team savage noticed there was blood on the ground where the piece of the wall smash then suddenly the two would get a foot to the face by Ash who used the falling wall to distract them while he ascended higher in the arena, as Ash ascends to the top of the arena he would take down the members of team savage one by one then would reach the top where Jessie, James, Meowth and Geiseric and the remaining members of the Reichland team savage. Geiseric would then put his final contingency plan which was for Jessie, James and Meowth using a robot to turn the whole arena to rubble. As the robot was about to rampage Ash would charge towards them which would scare them while at the same time the remaining members of team savage were being taken down by something or someone, Ash would tare the robot apart which would lead the three to clamped down by some of the robots damaged parts and with the top of the arena that was behind the being covered in flames, then everyone watching which would include Jessie, James and Meowth would be shocked seeing Ash walking out of the flames with no burns on his body, Ash would walk towards the three then grabbing Jessie and James neck while pressing his foot on Meowth's chest. As Ash  was  restraining  the three he would stare at them with angry glare at the three then state I let them off easy back in Peloponnsa but now since you join forces with team savage I will now make an example of you three which would lead to Ash scar their faces with his claws which horrify Ash's old friends, Ash would then threaten the Jessie, James and Meowth saying that he would break them then would make the some warning to the rest of team rocket then calling them cowardly weaklings with the trio he just scared are the weakest of all team rocket, after hearing what Ash called team rocket would strike their nerves especially Giovanni which would lead he to make a decision that would lead to team rocket destruction. The arena security guards lead by a man called Arminius who Ash would scold a little for arriving late to which Arminius would state that they had to deal with the members of team savage at the arena entrance to which Arminius would explain it wasn't easy to deal with the members of team savage at the arena gate, despite Ash scolding Arminius he was glad to see him because Arminius was one of the friends he made during his training Reichland. Ash would ask that Jessie, James and Meowth to lock them up while keeping Meowth's hands and to keep the three gag. As Ash return to his old friends which would lead them asking him about his metamorphosis to which he would explain after returning to normal he would begin to explain then professor Kukui would ask was Ash metamorphosis one of his crest bond abilities to which he explains that it was actually two crest bond abilities used at the same time and would point to the two marks on his shoulder and neck which look like bit marks, as Ash explain the two crest bond abilities then suddenly the two pokemon Ash bonded with during his time in Reichland. The two pokemon Ash bonded with during his time in Reichland which had just appeared behind Ash are called Vemonthropy the werewolf pokemon and Vampiria the vampire pokemon, Ash would then talk about Vemonthropy and Vampiria types which is a grass, poison and dark type while Vampiria is a poison, ghost and dark, Ash would then explain both pokemons crest bond abilities which are called primal fury for Vemonthropy which grant heightened strength, speed and senses while Vampiria crest bond ability also heightens their partners senses but it's called recovery which primarily grants the user the ability to heal fast from their injuries, Ash would then explain that both Vemonthropy and Vampiria don't exactly have a positive reputation in Reichland but explain it after his match. Later that afternoon Ash would get ready for his Reichland match which has been waiting for four years because his opponent who is called Brunhilda. Just before the match Ash would make a request to make the match more interesting which was to have a forest battlefield with fog, after hearing his request Brunhilda would accept his request because now the battle she has been waiting for has just become more challenging. As both Ash and Brunhilda enter the arena with their pokemon with Ash's old friends already knowing Ash's pokemon then seeing Brunhilda's pokemon who are called Twight which was a dark and ghost type and Krampirius who was a dark, fire and ghost type. Just as the battle was about to begin fog would cover the battlefield to make sure the audience can see the match a heat vision camera would be used to see the match unfold. The match would began with the four pokemon clashing while Ash and Brunhilda would move carefully and quitely trying ambush the other but using his train would focus on find Brunhilda by tracking her heart beat because with the fog he can use his eyes to find her nor his sense of smell because fog thus Ash has to rely on his hearing to find her. After locating the pokemon via their heat beats which were load to them currently fighting thus their heat rates are beating fast but Ash would manage to block it out focusing on find Brunhilda's heart beat and succeeds then would fire an arrow but she would manage to dodge then lead to them fire arrows back and forth which lead to them both running out of arrows. All of Ash's old friends watched the match they would get the feel of suspense from this match because they didn't know how it was going to turn out. After using up all their arrows Ash and Brunhilda would now use their throwing knifes and combat knifes, when the two of them began to use their knifes it would increase the suspense in the audience. Ash and Brunhilda were now getting low on knifes which would lead to throwing knifes at the left and right sides of his body but he knew they were decoys because he was aware that his right was his warm side and his left his cold side but also knew that Brunhilda knew that Ash would be aware of this which lead Ash to realize that Brunhilda was going to ambush him from above, the two final clash would lead to Brunhilda's knife piercing his shoulder while Ash knife is pointed to her neck but then as Brunhilda was about to say something Ash would elbow her to the stomach then just as he was going to knock her Ash would say I will not let you swallow your pride then would hit her behind the neck knocking her out which would win him the match. As the fog clears Brunhilda and her pokemon would wake up after being knock out by Ash and his pokemon, Brunhilda would thank Ash for giving her a good match to which he says it's what I owed you for the train here in Reichland. Later that night a party would be held for Ash's second win in the four gate tournament. During the party Ash meet the friends he had made during his time in Reichland who are called Carla, Mathilda, Reinhard, Oskar as well as Arminius. During the party Ash's old friends would ask Ash about his time in Reichland to which Brunhilda would be the one to tell the story. 


The video at the top is for Ash battle with team savage while the second one is for Ash's battle with Brunhila.

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