Chapter 15 The Evil Awakens

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As Ash leaves to get aid from the beast people and strixian his old friends and family would approach him who were still shaken from the story they heard from Ash after he touched evil pitch fork that was destroy, Serena would walk closer to Ash then hugging while tears then would begging him not to go then stating that my heart will not be able to handle losing you because that is how much I love you, hearing Serena's statement would surprise Ash's old friends and family then noticing that Ash wasn't surprised then Ash would return the hug while moving one of his hands their Serena's hair then would say he has to because if Liloviatar is freed everything he carries about would be destroyed and will not allow it to happen but he would promise Serena that he will return alive so not to break her heart because that is how much Ash carries about Serena. Ash would then leave for to get aid from the beast people and strixian and just as he is about to leave his old friends and family tell him to be careful to which he promises. Ash would meet with the leaders of both beast people and strixian to request aid for the fight against Liloviatar, at first they were considering not get involved but the elders would urge the leaders to consider answering the call because the  beast people people elders remember the story of Liloviatar that had been passed down for eight thousand years and  Drusilla and Magnus would answer the call because Ash would learn that the two were there when Liloviatar was seal away, the two leaders would answer the call to arms against Liloviatar. Ash would meet with Lorien's forces to confront the people planning to free Liloviatar, Ash and Lorien's forces would arrive at the location of Orichalcous from the memory Ash got from the evil pitch fork, everyone would ready themselves for the battle they have been preparing for. They would travel to the location were Orichalcous which was location in the sea between the four regions then driving while using two crest bond abilities one that would allow it's user to breath under water while the second one can share crest bond abilities with other people. Ash and Lorien's forces would begin swimming towards the Orichalcous, they would approach  Orichalcous which still had the barrier seal still intact but was begin to crumble. Giovanni and team rocket would enter the city since the barrier seal was now broken while team savage deal with the joint forces in order to stall them long enough to free Liloviatar. As the joint forces deal with team savage Ash and Lorien would chase after team rocket, despite destroying the barrier  Liloviatar was still imprisoned, as the two arrive in the part of Orichalcous where Liloviatar was imprisoned, Ash would then ask Lorien what is the key to releasing  Liloviatar which Ash would notice that he was reluctant then Giovanni would suddenly laugh then stating that the key to releasing Liloviatar was the blood of Larneous to which Ash states Larneous has been dead for eight thousand years then Giovanni would state that they only need the blood of Larneous descendants and one happens to be right before us which make Ash realize Giovanni is referring to Lorien which would lead Ash to ask Lorien what Giovanni was talking about to which Lorien would explain that his ancestor was Larneous younger Mira who was the last one who tried to reason with her brother but failed which lead her to lead the revolt then would use her brothers die body as the seal for Liloviatar prison, ever since Liloviatar was sealed away Lorien's family spent the last eight thousand years to atone for sins of their ancestor, after hearing Lorien's family history he would have more respect for him then realize Giovanni, team rocket and team savage wanted Ash and Lorien to follow them so they can use Lorien's blood to free Liloviatar. Ash would then fight team rocket while making sure that Lorien doesn't bleed and for some minutes but then Giovanni would manage to cut Lorien then would let the blood flow towards  Liloviatar then once the blood touches Liloviatar seal which would begin to glow then break free Liloviatar, Liloviatar would cause Orichalcous to rise from the sea. After Orichalcous had arisen from the water the joint forces would manage to subdue team savage then Arceus would appear trying to reason with Liloviatar one last time but it would lead to Liloviatar cleaving Arceus in half which would horrify everyone, after Arceus death Lorien knew that Liloviatar had to die because it was a true monster, Ash and Lorien would activate their true harmonized bond in order to fight against Liloviatar which would be long, bitter and bloody but Lorien would manage deal critical blows, Liloviatar would begin to get weaker from all the blood lose but decided to kill Lorien who returned to normal, as Liloviatar was about to kill Lorien Ash would pierce Liloviatar neck with Naraliburn with Liloviatar dying seconds later, with Liloviatar death  Giovanni and team rocket would flee after getting injured by Ash's pokemon.

The video at the top is for Lorien's speech just before the charge on Orichalcous.

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