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( -_•)╦̵̵̿╤─ ‪‪-'♡'-

☊⍨𝓢𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓾𝓷𝓸𝓰𝓪 𝓔-𝓦𝓪- 𝓕𝓾𝓳𝓲𝓲 𝓚𝓪𝔃𝓮⍨♬

↻ ◁ || ▷ ↺

"Oh for you, I would've done whatever~"

"And I just can't believe we ain't together~"

I was hanging out with Maki and Riki for the day, since Riki had a day off, and we decided to do some karaoke.

Riki and I were doing a duet of 'Baby' by Justin Bieber, while Maki was our audience.

"And I wanna play it cool, but i'm losing you." I knew this whole song by heart because when I was younger, I had Bieber Fever really badly.

"I'll buy you anything, i'll buy you any ring."  Riki sang.

After a while, the rap part came, and I was singing it word for word.

I pretty much had the whole song tattooed in my brain.

Soon, the song came to an end, and Maki applauded.

"Mari, you could seriously be a main rapper. You rap so well!" I smiled at his words.

"I totally agree! Hybe is dumb for letting you go!" Riki playfully punched my shoulder.

I pretended that it hurt and held my arm jokingly while smiling, "Thanks guys~" 

Then, we went to pick the next song.

"I think Maki should do a solo." Said Riki.

I nodded in agreement and lightly pushed Maki up front.

"Go Maki!" I smiled.

He reluctantly grabbed the microphone and picked a song.

The opening beats of 'Shinunoga E-Wa' started to play.

Maki was singing along so beautifully.

I always knew that his voice was beautiful, but it just became even more precious.

I looked up at him, just to find him already looking down at me.

I felt time stop. I could only hear the sound of my heartbeat, and Maki's singing in the moment.

The longer I looked at him, the brighter the imaginary light shining above him got.

Everything about it was mesmerizing.

I just couldn't fix myself to look away, especially when the chorus came.

"Shinunoga E-Wa~" His eyes were fixated onto me is what it felt like.

It felt like he was speaking to me.

I felt special.

Soon, the song was done and I was still stunned by Maki's singing.

I heard some sniffling, and looked over and saw Riki wiping his fake tears, "So beautiful."

I smiled at him.

Then, Maki sat next to me and put an arm around my shoulders.

"So, how was I?" He wiggled his eyebrows.

"Perfect." I looked back at him, not even realizing how close our proximity was.

Maki whispered in my ear, "You're perfect." Before pulling me into his embrace.

I could tell I was a blushing mess.

I snuggled into his chest, inhaling his sweet scent.

But I totally forgot about Riki.

"Are you guys really not dating? I feel like such a third wheel right now-" His words got cut off by a ding from his his phone.

"Ahh, it's my boss. He says he needs me to go in right now." Riki rolled his eyes.

I frowned, pulling away from Maki, "Do you have to go? We still need to plan our K-pop day!" 

Riki sighed, "Let's plan it later? He said staff was short." I nodded, understanding him, then I stood up to hug him.

"Bye Riki." I gave him a short side hug which he returned.

"Bye Mari. Bye Maki." He waved to us before leaving the booth.

Maki and I waved back as he left the room.

Then, I felt Maki pull my waist, resulting in me sitting on his lap.

"Maki, what the heck!" I tried to get out of his grip. But he just nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck.

"I wanna stay like this, please?"

I hesitantly agreed and melted into his touch.

After a while, Maki spoke, "Kumiko, what are we?"

I was flustered by his question.

It was a really good question.

What are we?

"Friends?" I questioned.

Maki let go of me then scoffed, "Friends?" He asked, "Friends don't do this, Mari." He stood up, "Friends don't cuddle like couples do. And friends certainly don't kiss each oth-"

"You think I don't know that?" I asked him, standing up as well, "We can't be anymore than friends right now, Maki."

"So why do you let me love you?! You already know that I think of you as my lover. You already know that I love you. But you don't want to be anything more than friends, so why let me love you!?" I could tell that Maki was getting mad, as was I. So I came back at him.

"You chose to love me. I didn't make you." I approached him slowly, "You wanted to stay in my life, even though you still love me. I made it very clear that we should be nothing more than friends, so why are you mad?"

"I feel used, Mari! We have no labels, yet we're like this. You let me treat you like this, even though you told me that we should just be friends! I can't control myself around you. You know that!"

"You need to learn how to." I picked up my stuff, "I'm leaving. Goodbye."

I walked out of the booth, leaving Maki behind.

He had really good points, but I was still mad for some reason. So, I decided to just leave.

Things will probably smooth over.


( -_•)╦̵̵̿╤─ ‪‪-'♡'-

argument between the loversssssssssssssssssssssssss


i see where they're both coming from

QOTC: who's side are you on?

welllll thats it

i love u all


bye bye

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