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Louis poured a glass of water from his sink and jumped onto his counter. He dangled his feet. He sipped the water. He sighed. He said out loud, "I'm bored!" The empty house gave him no reply.

It had been three days since they had returned from New York. The Christmas decorations filled every store, and Louis needed to soon, as well. He usually didn't make a big fuss about decorations at his own house, but this year, his family was going to be with him.

I needed to be great.


He could do that now, buy a tree, some decorations, listen to Christmas music as he put up the ornaments. He could do that.

There was just the minor detail that he wanted something else. Someone.


It had been three days since he had seen Harry at the airport.

Louis had never thought he would say it, but he actually missed the man.

Louis missed his smell, his touch, the way he actually managed to make Louis laugh even though such a large part resented him. A large part, but that part had shrunk, Louis realised. Sure, Harry was a twat. But he was more.

He held Louis' hand as the plane went up.

He dragged Louis away before he could be used.

He made him smile.

He made him forget everything around him when it was just the two of them.

Maybe, a part of Louis was beginning to consider Harry Styles a friend. Of sorts. The kinds that got off together, but nonetheless.

Louis jumped off the counter and went into his living room. He turned on the television and found Netflix. Surely, a few episodes of Brooklyn Nine-Nine would be able to make him stop missing—no, longing. No not better—wanting. He settled with wanting. It had been three days. In New York, it had been pretty much every night.

Louis just wanted Harry there so they could have sex. That's why he felt like he missed the other man, not because he was beginning to enjoy his company.

Yeah, definitely.

He went to dial Harry's number. He could do something about this want.

It picked up immediately. "Hello, this is Batman, what can I do for you, Robin?"

That feeling in his gut moved around.

Yeah, Louis needed to get laid right this second.

"Ride me."

Harry snorted. "Wow, straight to the point."

"Gay," Louis corrected him. "Gay to the point."

"True that," Harry chuckled. "So... what's your address?"

* * *

"Where the hell are all the colours?" Harry asked as Louis opened the door for him. He stepped inside Louis' house, not even looking back as he let his eyes take in everything.

"Wow, what a greeting," Louis said with a roll of his eyes. "Gonna comment on everything I own?"

"Yeah, pretty much. Why's it so white in here?"


"Uh-huh." Harry ran his fingers along Louis' kitchen counters. "When was the last time you cleaned?"

"I had a cleaning lady over two days ago," Louis said, his arms crossed.

"Ah, makes sense. I was just surprised it was actually clean in here."

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