Chapter 11 - Zaine Day

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In school, we have 3 whole terms to complete until the year gets over. It was just one term, but it felt like one whole year, and we didn't get to speak as much with Damian and Zaine.

We kept getting more distant and I felt like they weren't able to realise it.

But in one week would come that day, the day me and Ness kept calling 'Zaine day' because it was going to be his birthday.

It didn't take long for us to gather ourselves and force Zaine to throw a party.

It worked!

Within one week, we had persuaded Zaine to take us out on his birthday and he planned it all, it all worked out.

We were told to meet at his house first, so that is what we did. Nessira reached Zaine's house before anyone else could, I picked Damian up so that we could go together since we lived quite close to one another. We were there in about 30 minutes. Gia couldn't make it because her parents had grounded her.

We spent time at Zaine's house, singing songs while watching Zaine play the guitar, then the drums, while Damian played the piano.

It was so beautiful because on that day, we bonded so perfectly it didn't feel like we weren't talking in school.

After spending time at Zaine's house, cutting the cake and having some snacks, his parents dropped us all to a mall where we were going to watch a movie that was recently released. Then also, I sat with Zaine.

After the movie, we also had bubble tea with popping boba and roamed around the mall taking many pictures with eachother.

We didn't notice it was getting late and so Nessira's father dropped me home as well.

Before leaving the mall, I remember giving Zaine a small kiss on the cheek but I didn't get time to speak to him after that.

I wonder how he felt, because all I know is, butterflies invaded my stomach and I couldn't stop thinking about it. Did he think about it the way I thought about it? That it could be a way of telling him I am ready for whatever is coming for the both of us?

If it did.

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