Chapter 18 - The Message

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It was just a normal afternoon the day after my birthday when, I got a message I wasn't expecting.

It was from Damian.

I was completely surprised because he hadn't messaged me for about 2 months, until now.

He wished me a happy belated birthday and apologised that he couldn't come.

I replied with a 'thank you' and that 'it is okay' to his messages.

Just after I sent my message, he immediately replied and probably unwillingly texted me more, we started to talk on chat continuously as if those 2 months gap of not speaking was just some random dream and it didn't really occur.

What was worse was we kept messaging eachother that day for hours, probably 3 hours straight until my mother told me that we were going to someone's house and that I had to get ready.

In those 3 whole hours, so much happened it was difficult for me to keep up. I wasn't able to breathe and my hands were shaking.

Whatever we spoke of, was promised to be kept between us, and not to be shared to anyone, not even Nessira, and honestly, I don't even know how I could have explained it to her anyways.

Once I got ready, I took my phone with me to the place we were going to so that I could keep the conversation going with him, making it easier for me to clear everything out.

It was scary.


And probably the point where things start to take a turn for me.

Unbelievable things were put forth between us and I couldn't help but think about it all the time, whether it was while I was texting him, or even when I wasn't.

I didn't know how just a simple conversation had turned into one I didn't know would ever happen to anyone.

That night, I don't think I was able to sleep, because my mind was racing a million thoughts that even I couldn't follow up with.

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