30. Suspended time

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Early in the morning, everyone was ready to go. One by one, Scott, Kevin, Kirstie, Alex and Jeremy hugged tightly their two friends, got into the cars and went away.


Mitch and Avi remained motionless for a while, side by side, hand in hand. Avi let escape a deep sigh.

- I need to go for a walk. Do you wanna come?

- Do you want me to?

- Mitch, it's not what I'm asking you. What would you like to do now ?

- I... think I would like to listen to some music...

- Great! smiled Avi. I like to be with you, but I've already asked you to let me alone, and you can chose what you want to do as well! I would told you if I needed you, I promise, and please, do the same. Right?

Mitch nodded happily. Avi cupped his face in his hands, gazed at him softly and pressed his lips on his.

- See you later little angel.

Mitch spent about an hour on his laptop, still avoiding social medias, looking for new songs he would have missed during the last few days. He felt his mind slowly relaxing. He shared a few videos, but didn't look yet at the reactions.


Avi came back, with a happy smile on his face.

- Had a good time?

- Yes, smiled Mitch. I've... It was nice, actually.

- Same for me. I've seen a deer, it was beautiful.

His eyes were as peaceful as his voice.

- I would like to take you for a special ride...

Mitch gazed at him questioningly, but Avi smiled and remained silent, reaching him his hand.

- Okay, you like mysteries, don't you? giggled Mitch.

- I like to surprise you, answered Avi softly.

He led Mitch along the lake, in the opposite direction to the old tree and the sand beach. They reached a small pier in a cove, where a rowboat was floating lazily.

- I've never been in such a little boat before!

- Would you like to try?

- Well... at least I can swim!

- Hey! I won't throw you overboard!

Mitch laughed and began to board. The little boat wobbled and Mitch squealed. Avi laughed in turn and held the boat with his hand. He got on board in turn and grabbed Mitch's waist, to make him sit slowly.

- Easy! Don't move so hard on the water or you'll throw yourself overboard!

Mitch grabbed the rims and stopped moving, a wide grin on his face.

- Go ahead, I'll try not to drown.

Avi flashed him an amused smile and began to row. They moved away from the pier, but not so far from the shore. Avi wanted to go around the lake.

Mitch soon relaxed and stared at the beautiful view around him. Most of the shores were wooded, but here and there were free spaces. One was a small marsh, another just covered by grass. When they reached the sand beach, Mitch peered at Avi who smirked. When they spotted the old tree, half hidden behind some bushes, Avi stopped the boat with a deft movement of the oars.

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