Chapter 48 || Somebody Else

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it's been a little over a week since jiah went to busan with jimin and things have been pretty decent since then. her relationship with jungkook is going smoothly with beautiful date nights, morning kisses and sweet nicknames. jiah also cleared an interview in a fashion company where she gets to be the junior manager in the marketting department. jihun's day care is going well too, and jiah feels like she's settling in her life. the package she's hired under pays well and with jungkook by her side, there's no crisis for anything at all.

today yoongi's holding up a special dinner where all his friends will meet his fiancé for the the first time, and jiah's more than just excited for it. she's already heading to the store to buy a gift for her, knowing from yoongi that she's his age, means at least ten years older than jiah if not more. so, she'd like to leave a good first impression in their long term friendship that will start today.

with a smile, jiah enters a jwellery store, looking around the showpieces beautifully displayed on the front. a couple pendent catches her eye,  mind instantly thinking of jungkook and she looks back to find anyone from the staff. a guy approaches her with a smile, greeting her first, then asks what he can help her with. "can i see these, please?"

"of course, ma'am. just give me a sec." he nods, getting the same pair of pendents in a transperant case and hands it to jiah. "this is silver. we have varieties in gold, diamond and platinum as well."

"no no, that would be way out of my budget." jiah chuckles, "this one's really pretty. how much is it?"

"thirty-two thousand won, ma'am." the guys,

jiah nods slowly. it feels a bit expensive since she had her mental budget as per something she'd buy for yoongi and his fiancé not for herself and jungkook. but with her eyes fixed on the gorgeous sun and moon pendants each attached to a thin silver chain, jiah finds herself slowly giving in. if she doesn't spend money unnecessarily this month, she can get through it without much problem, right?

"i'll take it." she says with a soft smile.

"you have a great choice, ma'am. what else can i show you?"

"uhm actually, i came here to get a gift for a close friend of mine. he's getting engaged soon, and i'm meeting his fiancé today... so, something according to that?"

"sure, please come this way." the guy smiles warmly, leading her to the a counter and goes behind it, picking out a set of bracelets, then rings and other matching accesories. out of everything jiah finds attractive, she finally manages to pick a pair of rings, again a little over budget, but thinking about yoongi, who has done countless things for her all her life, she doesn't worry about the price.

"thank you, ma'am. please visit again." the guy says, handing her card back and bows politely.

jiah smiles back and takes a deep breath, stepping out of the store as she walks towards jihun's day care now. it's almost six and seokjin already called her to ask when she was coming, which although is unlikely because jihun's pick up time is fixed unless she's running late or gets off work early. she's about to call jungkook to come and take her and jihun, but another call, again seokjin's, interrupts her.

"hello, oppa." she answers with a smile.

"hey, love." the voice makes jiah stop on her tracks, gulping down nervously. "i dropped by to take jihun out today. actually, it's been a while since i had my time with him."

"what?" jiah frowns, "no. you can't take him like that. i'm almost—"

"it's fine, jiah. i know you're coming. but he's my son too, remember? just a fun little outing for father and son. that's all. i'll bring him back to you tomorrow."

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