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Taehyung pov ,

At the tuition class that day, I keep on peeking at him through every chance I get. Initially, when jungkook sir arrived inside the room, he called Han and spoke something with her. Sir looked quite serious, thus, I assumed that it must be related to the problem she has started with my nickname...

And I was proved right, when soon after jungkook sir vacated the room, Han came to me and apologized. I was shocked but accepted her sorry anyways. Also, the students weren't teasing me either, scared of being victim to jungkook sir's anger.

I could never forget how furious jungkook sir  seemed when he boomed at his students for me. I wasn't expecting that a bit and hence when it occurred, I was in mild surprise.

Perhaps jungkook  sir would have done the same whether it happened to any other students as well, but I can't tear the image of him speaking for me. All the worries I had once was replaced by pure delight...and maybe something more that I can't quite comprehend what it is.

I so desperately want to say thank you to him. But I'm waiting for the class to end so that I would have him alone. Although jungkook sir doesn't stare my way often, I'm quite obvious that he has observed my eyes on him...

I just can't stop looking at him whenever he comes inside the room.

Before the class terminates, jungkook  sir questions everyone and the final one is me.

"What does 'flung' means?" Sir  asks the glossaries of the second chapter which I was learning and I answer correctly to almost all of it.

But I got one wrong.

"Extend," feeling ecstatic rather than frightened, I forward my right palm. He beats me as usual, harshly. Yet I can't quite bring myself to get furious with him. Instead, a shy smile caresses my brims.

Jungkook sir takes notice of it but doesn't say anything. And then he starts to mark the attendance of the students. At last, I linger back, even after he has closed the attendance book.

Sir  perches on the chair behind the desk and perks up at me.

"Taehyung, don't think you are special or anything else just cause I supported you back in the classroom. I would have done the same If it occurred to any other students as well," I smile at him.

"I know sir..." I trail off.

"Thank you for helping me," I confess with utmost sincerity. Sir just nods and stands up, striving to walk out of the room. But I hastily run and block him from exiting.

Jungkook looks down at me, blinking once, trying to understand the motive behind my action. Not giving him time to explore his thoughts, I immediately embrace him, banding my hands rigidly around his torso and resting my head on his chest.....

His heart begins to beat rapidly, just like mine. Closing my eyes, I stay in the same position, feeling better than ever.

A few seconds later, jungkook sir's hands come around my shoulder and his other hand pats my hair.
Goosebumps run through my skin and the bizarre sensation that often transpires in my stomach intensifies at his touch. I wonder how
he feels...

Minutes go by, but we prevail there, momentarily frozen by the warmth. Both of us
don't try to separate from each other, rather, I paste myself more onto him. At my move, he holds me tighter.

"Taehyung....." I scrunch his shirt on the torso, unable to withstand the delicateness of his tone.

"You have to go.." Jungkook sir says further, and I very hesitantly peel myself from him.

Now that we are parted, I couldn't look up into his eyes. oh god why do I have to act so rashly without thinking!? I wanted to hug him to deliver my gratitude but once I engulfed him, everything in me went chaotic.

What in the world is wrong with me? Do I really love him? No no, I can't be possibly in love with my teacher! It's so controversial. Even the mere thought of being in love petrifies me.

"Sorry sir...I just got overwhelmed," I utter, looking at the floor.

Unforeseen, his fingers brace my chin and tilt my head upwards. My insides are twisting in some kind of weird manner as I stare into his eyes.

"It's fine..." Jungkook sir says, his gaze piercing deep into me. Suddenly, as If coming back to his sane mind, he leaves my chin. He looks displeased
with himself.

"I'm sorry...you should get back to your home now," breathing out shakily, I turn around and rush down the stairs, not having the braveness to even glance back at jungkook sir..

To be continue.....☆

FORBIDDEN DESIRE OF LOVE....☆ (TAEKOOK)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora