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Jungkook pov ,

Three years later

Taehyung , his father, and I are waiting impatiently in the school for his Twelfth examination result. The results would be published on the web at sharp 10 am. Other than taehyung , the few dedicated students who have given the exam are also anxiously awaiting the time.

The past years have flowed smoothly with taehyung's determined preparation for his examinations and our secretive intimate moments. Due to being under mother's scrutiny most of the time, we had to restrain ourselves from touching each other, although we despairingly
wanted to do the same. Even so, we have never sauntered past the boundaries.

One of the reasons was Taehyung being way too innocuous and the other was, I didn't really want to distract him during the important phase of his life...

Hence I've stabled my mind to wait for my taehyung patiently. He is all mine anyways and I can wait for him, regardless of how long the time period is.

"Sir...I will pass, right?" Taehyung asks me nervously as he leaves his father's side who is seated on a bench outside the school. He is the only parent who has cared enough to accompany his son to learn about his scores. Taehyung is really lucky to have him as his father.

"Definitely Taehyung . Your efforts wouldn't betray you." I say softly, smiling reassuringly.

"Hm...what's the time now Sir?" Taehyung blinks his eyes to my wrist and I pull up my hand to scan the time.

"Scarcely three minutes more.." I attest, receiving an apprehensive breath as a response from Taehyung .

"Wait here," I utter and move inside the office room, where a teacher is seated before a computer, prepared to browse the internet at sharp 10 am for the results. We usually take a printout of the scores of the students with their hall ticket numbers and glue it out on the common board outside. That's the usual process. But today I'm more than desperate to see the marks and I can't wait until it is printed out.

"It's 10," I boom and the teacher hurriedly shifts his fingers over the mouse, entering the website to retrieve the scores.

With few more clicks, a column of numbers, along with marks shows up and I intently analyze the list, checking for my Taehyung's hall ticket number in it.

"The school first is yumi. She has scored 467," the teacher says proudly. "She is a bright student," I reply, nodding my head.

My eyes become a little wide as I spot taehyung hall ticket number. I follow the same vertically towards its end where in a box his mark was penned down, '372'. "Print it out soon teacher, the students are waiting eagerly,"

I say to the teacher who bobs her head hurriedly.

Meanwhile, I turn around and walk outside with a distinct feeling flipping my heart. I feel emotional. My taehyung has passed his exams. I'm so proud of him!!

Upon seeing my form, taehyung rushes to me again.

"Did you see the results?" I shrug innocently.

"No..it will be out within a few minutes," I lie, not wanting to pose any partiality towards other students. Let them all know it simultaneously and have their moments.

"I feel like I will get a heart attack, sir! My chest pains," I chuckle at taehyung words and before I could reply, the teacher comes out of the office room with a paper in his hand. The student's dash and formulates a circle as they curiously watch him sticking the paper onto the board.

"Sir, I'm scared...I don't have the guts to see it! Please help me..." As Taehyung finishes his worried words, his father advances towards us with stressed features.

"Go ahead tae bear ," he ushers taehyung who shakes his head, petrified.

"Sir will do it on my behalf," taehyung explains and gazes up at me.

Sending a slight nod, I stroll to the students who are standing nearby the board with happy expressions. I smile inwardly at their delightful faces and glance towards the board. As I'm already aware of Taehyung's mark, I quickly leave the place and walk to a terrified Father-son duo.

His father looks equally distressed as Taehyung. .

"Has taehyung passed?" His father questions, uncertainly, whereas Taehyung has his eyes strained on mine, expectantly.

"Yes, he has scored 372 marks," At the revelation, taehyung's father's face blooms into a heartwarming smile while Taehyung just stands there, frozen.

"Taehyung !" I shake his shoulder and he snaps back into reality, his eyes watering spontaneously.

"I...can't believe it..." Taehyung grins but tears leave his eyes at the same

"Tae bear ," his father embraces him in a fatherly hug and I just smile at their bonding, dull that I'm unable to showcase my appreciation as we are in public. After taehyung's exam came to an end, we had no chance of meeting except on Sundays when we both go to the temple to see and talk to each other.

Our parents have become quite strict now and as our marriage is three weeks later from today, we would be completely prevented from seeing each other within a few days.

As time passed by, taehyung and his father excuses themselves and leave. Suppressing the disappointment in me, I put on a neutral countenance and watch them walk away. Halfway through, taehyung turns his
head towards me and smiles warmly.

Unpredicted, my heart skips a beat at his action and a genuine smile pulls at my brims as well...

To be continued.......✩

FORBIDDEN DESIRE OF LOVE....☆ (TAEKOOK)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu