54 .....☆

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Jungkook pov,

I'm going to be a father!

We had confirmed Taehyung's pregnancy the past week after visiting the hospital as per mom's assertion. I took taehyung  to his  parent's home the next day to inform the same and needless to say, they were immensely happy as well.

The doctor had told to look after taehyung  carefully for the initial months as it is the primary stage of our baby. And so, my mother has been taking care of hjm with utmost sincerity and dedication even when I'm back from school. My mother had a miscarriage during his second pregnancy and I could comprehend that it is what is driving him to care for taehyung  earnestly.
And tomorrow is taehyung's birthday. I have brought hia first-semester law books as a gift and has been hiding them away in the school. I have already taken admission for him in the government law college established in the town. It isn't mandatory for students to appear every day at the college and there aren't marks for attendance either. But the students had to turn in during the internal exams and semester exams. Still, many students who are nearby to the town attend the college consistently but I don't want to take risk with my taehyung's  health and safety. Even though the class ends at noon after 5 hours, it's not good for a pregnant man to wander out.

And... most of the students in that college are males   would approach higher studies and particularly, law field isn't one that the few  who would strive upward in their career would choose. Hence the whole ordeal is complicated, yet I want taehyung  dream to be fulfilled which is one of my wishes too.

I have always wanted our village to develop and needless to say, I'm succeeding in it. Several students of the last 12th batch had been admitted to the colleges situated in the town. Although the females' number was lower than the males, it's still an improvement when compared to the last year...

Finally, the people here are recognizing the importance of education...It's slow, but the progress doesn't matter as long as the process doesn't halt.

"Taehyung's," I poke her cheeks in his when he's deep in slumber. I wanted to wake up at 12 am to wish hi. but I accidentally overslept and now it's 2.30 am. His  eyebrows corrugate as a reaction. "Taehyung ," I bob his  cheeks again and this time, he opens his eyes with difficulty and  stares at me.

From the moonlight coursing through the window, I could detect him beautiful features which never fails to melt my heart.

"Why?" Taehyung  whines.

"I need to tell you something," I confess and he sees me irritatedly.

"At this middle of the night!?" Taehyung  asks in an irked
tone and I just smile at that.

"Yes," I nod while taehyung  sends me a furious look.

"Happy birthday," his  expression quickly changes once he  heeds my words

. A wide smile stretches his  lips and he grins like a kid.

"Thank you!" Taehyung  wraps his  hands around my neck and pulls me to his  to plant a delightful kiss
on my cheeks.

"So? Where's my gift?" Taehyung  quirks his  eyebrows playfully.

"Wait," I roll to the side of the mattress and pick the books from under the bed. Taehyung  sits up as he  sees the package with perplexion.

"What have you brought?" Taehyung  amuses, regarding the gift.

"Well, open it first," I place the present in the middle of the bed.

She cautiously yet optimistically unfolds the brown papers and as soon as the five books become revealed, Taehyung  scans them one by one by flipping the pages.

"These are law books...?" I nod at him. "But you told me that I could attend college after a few years..." taehyung  innocuously puts forth.

"Hm...I might have deceived you," I shrug, feigning innocence whereas Taehyung 's eyes unblinkingly gaze at me.

"You still cannot attend college but you are officially a student already. All you have to do is learn and appear for exams. The base of this field is not theory but practicality. So the five years you are spending now is to learn the theory portion which you would have to apply into reality during the period of your practice," I had a lot of doubts relating to this career, hence I visited the district court in the town and extracted the
information of this field from one of the advocates there. That man had me paying money for the half-an-hour conversation we held.

"Thank you," taehyung  utters, moves the book aside, and hugs my torso while resting his  head on my chest.

"I'm really lucky," Taehyung  mumbles.

"I've got an exceptional father who wants me to study and succeed and a husband of the same mindset." I brush his  hair lovingly.

"Well...what could you expect otherwise from a teacher as devoted as me?" I chuckle, looking down at him. he smiles up at me.

"By the way, you would have to call me Jungkook  sir again as I would be conducting private tuition for your college studies," I say in a cheesy way.

"Ayo! Not again! I can't bear your beating any more!" Taehyung  bursts out and shifts away from me.

"Taehyung , you are my wife. Everything is special when it comes to you. Even the punishments I impose are," taehyung  gives me a suspicious glance.

"What are you planning..." he trails off while I carefully bring his  body over mine and trace my hand down to his  butt cheeks. he understands the implication and blushes.

"You can't do that.." he whispers as taehyung hides his  face in the crook of my neck.

"I will make sure it is as pleasurable as possible.." I rub his  nightgown-clad butt.

"Hubby...If you were to punish me in this way...I don't think it will end with just that," Taehyung  holds me tighter as soon as he finishes his words.

"What If it doesn't? Do you have a problem with it taehyung ?" I press my hand against his  breast and the other crushes his  butt cheek.

"No jungkook ...sir," my hands still for a second before I pull back his  head and claim his mouth...

To be continued......✩

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