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Taehyung pov  ,

I couldn't ease myself to sleep last night. I will be leaving my parents this day and spending the rest of my life with jungkook  sir. I love him with all my heart but it hurts to vacate my house and my parents whom I truly adore.

But there's no other way...
At early dawn, when even the 4 'o' clock blossom in our backyard hasn't risen, I was woken up by my mother and relatives. The auspicious time is from 6.30-7 am, and our marriage would occur between those thirty minutes. Prior to that, I had to be prepared and go to the temple for the prayers  that needs my presence.
Which is why, on this chilly pre-matured morning, I am made to perch on a wooden low chair in our backyard, with only my inner skirt covering my body. The aunties beside me pour water from the plastic jugs and apply turmeric over my skin. I shiver as again a pot full of water washes against me to cleanse off the turmeric. Then again, they lend me soap and after a long while, they again pour another couple of jug water onto my head.

Afterward, as I dry myself in my room and wear the inner-wears, blouse, and inner skirt, the aunties help me in draping the hangfu . It's a dark red silk. I felt nervous as everyone decorated me with various ornaments which is lend by my mother-in-law as he didn't want his son -in -law  to be less adorned on his marriage day. My parents refused to budge to h
Mom  present genuinely, but mom was very stubborn and we had no option but to accept it...

"Sit here," one of my aunts ushers and I recline on the bed as she combs my hair back and pins it using hairpin in the middle. Then let my moderately dried hair cascade freely. Following that, she places a bunch of jasmine flower strings on my bristle and then averts her attention to my face where she draws a line on my eyelid using the cosmetic items the groom's side had bought the last day.

Inside my eyes, she applies eyetex and after that, she paints my lips using pink lipstick. This is the first time I'm exposed to one and it certainly renders me want to gaze at my face in the mirror to witness how the lipstick appears on my lips...

"Groom is going to faint over your beauty taehyung ," one of the aunts. comments as they all back-off, staring at me appreciatively. I blush and look down, feeling unbearably shy.

"Look at yourself in the mirror," jimin  brings a hand mirror and showcases it infront of my countenance. Raising my head, I glance at the face on the reflector with surprise. Is it me? I look so different.

"what a beauty you are" I flush as jimin  compliments me with wide eyes.

"Aunt! You should protect hyung from evil eyes," jimin yells over to my mom who was smiling warmly yet sadly as she gawks at me. She then steps towards me and rubs a little portion of eyetex from my eyes, smudging it behind my ear, to keep me safe from the said evil eyes.

"It's time," a knock diverts all our attention to the closed door and the
aunties and my mom, guide me out of my house where my father was standing near a rented car, talking with the driver.

Upon discerning my presence, he darts his gaze to me and gives me a happy smile, but the pain within his eyes is too visible to neglect.

"Get inside, tae bear ," nodding to him
silently, I oblige and enter the car, accompanied by jimin  and other few
aunties. Mom and Dad, along with the remnant relatives would come by in the van as they aren't ready yet.
With the cool breeze grazing me, I press my palms together, feeling a bit scared.

Once we attain the temple, I worship the god firstly and momentarily was made to sit before the sacred fire to perform rituals that should be done by the bride. As minutes pass by, Mom and Dad appear along with mine and jungkook sir's relatives.
And at last, when the world starts to light up slightly, jungkook  sir arrives in a white button-up shirt and pants . His thick hair and stubbled jaw...the naturally light rose lips, the manliness, and the mature
look on his face, have my heart thumping behind my chest.

FORBIDDEN DESIRE OF LOVE....☆ (TAEKOOK)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum