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Double update  as comment by you all......💜💜💜💜💜💜

Taehyung pov ,

Soon after I left the school and reach my aunt's home, I grab my towel, inner skirt and saunter to the pond to refresh.

Jimin was tired, and hence he was resting back in the room.

My happiness knows no boundaries as I strip off my clothes, tie the inner skirt and plunge into the pond. There were few men and women, but they were all minding their own business and gossiping.

Heart filled with a fluttering sensation, I expend my time in bathing and then cover my upper half using the towel and walk back to aunt's home. Afterward, dressing up in my hangfu , I went to the common temple of both streets. We don't have tuition on the occasion of sports days which I came to know through one of the girls who attends jungkook sir's tuition as well.

Inside the temple, I prayed for everyone's well-being and asked god to never pull apart me and jungkook sir.

And I circled the whole temple, five times, begging the god to fulfill my wish.

Now that the little misunderstanding between me and jungkook sir has been resolved, I want us to be together and cheery until I complete my studies.

Then as jungkook sir had said, he would ask my hands in marriage and we will lead a happy life! I want this to happen orderly and there shouldn't be any disruption in the process.
I don't know...but there's a strange fear inside me regarding our  relationship.

Shaking my head, I cease myself from speculating about the negative notion and sit comfortably in the open space of the temple. The temple is shimmering with the lit-up lamps, and as the night has stretched out its arms to embrace the world, the evening glow has been dulled, now being speedily replaced by the murkiness.

A smile continues to play on my lips as I watch the half-moon lingering far away in the spread-out dark sky. It has been such a wonderful day! A few minutes later, I stroll back to my aunt's home and slept peacefully after having dinner with Jimin.

The following day was the sports day well, assigned for the group competitions. There's kho-kho , tug of war for both genders, and then football, cricket, and kabaddi for boys. Initially I wanted to join the kho-kho but then went with the idea of enjoying the events by being one of the audience.

The weather is in a good state today. Neither was it pouring nor was it scorching, but between the two, a balanced one. Every student, including me, was seated on the side of the ground and was watching the kho-kho game. Jungkook sir was there too, professionally scrutinizing the play.

I couldn't stop gawking at him. He is more intriguing than the kho-kho.

"Hyung, here," Hari hands me a tamarind candy and I grin at him before acquiring it and tossing it into my mouth. My eyes close involuntarily at the sour yet sweet taste.

And when I open them, I see jungkook sir glancing my way. He doesn't react, well, he can't when we were surrounded by a bunch of people. He silently diverts his eyes and watches the game again.

During the competitions after the noon break, ice sellers came by. But as I don't have money, I didn't buy it. Hari brought himself one and he asked me If I want one, but I denied saying that I loathe ice, while in reality, I'm literally craving to have it. Still, I didn't want to spend Hari's money...

he is my friend and I really like him but that doesn't mean that I could get everything from him for free. he has done a ton of help for me and it wouldn't be nice hi. in return. It feels like I'm using him though I have no such intention. Hence I suppressed my desire to have the ice and sat there gloomily.

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