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Taehyung   pov  ,

A Month later

More than a million
words in this world and
yet I can't find a perfect one to describe my love for jungkook  ...

As the warm sunrays pierce through the glassless window and caress our naked bodies that are entangled together without no restraint and shame, I run my weary yet curious fingers along the dense bristles of my husband who has his head nuzzled in between my bosoms.

He stirs at the mobility of my fingers and then I feel his lashes stroking my cleavage as he unlocks his eyes. Instead of rising up, he just lays there and presses his lips on the mount located over my chest. I giggle at his action which sends a ticklish sensation inside my tummy.

"What's funny, huh?" He quirks, looking up at me from the valley of my chest.

"Won't you use the pillow anymore?" I put forth, smiling down at him.

"It's not as soft as these," he squeezes the bosom that he just kissed and plays with the bud using his thumb...

"Hm..." I hum in response and close my eyes, inhaling the rapture that courses through my body.

But then, something clicks in my head! I'm late! "! Oh god" I hastily pull my body from beneath him and run to the bathroom to refresh. I heed my husband's hearty laughter from behind which I'm sure is incited by the way my posterior jiggles at my steps. Heat travels onto my cheeks at the realization, and I quickly enter the bathroom while completely neglecting his cackling.
A while later, I drape a light pink cotton hangfu that has been purchased by my husband during our honeymoon and coat my partition with vermilion. My hair is enclosed in the towel and I let it be as I saunter outside. Just as I exit, I crash into my husband who is just in his pant. He must have gone to the terrace to do some exercises. I have seen him doing it often which is quite enthralling to witness.

Upon glimpsing at me, he starts to chuckle.

"What!?" I feign anger to hide the embarrassment.

"Nothing at all taehyung ," he says with a shrug and moves past me into the room. Unexpectedly, he spanks my butt and I jerk, turning around to meet him while rubbing the left butt on where he had smacked.

"Hubby !" I hiss whereas he just kisses my mouth before shutting the door on my face. Contemplating on what to feel, I drag my flushed self down the stairs to the kitchen where my a
Mom is preparing breakfast.

I blurt out a quick sorry to mom and hurriedly move toward the sink to wash the dishes. Mom is been very cautious and caring to me throughout these days. So far, mom seems kind and I would be pleased to no extent If mom remains the same. Cause most mothers-in-law here are not known for their generosity and affection but for the tortures they inflict on their respective son-in-law. I have always been scared of how my mother-in-law would turn out to be but luckily, I have received a loving mom!
Well, now I know from where my husband's personality has been extracted from. father-in-law was sweet too but I don't know much about him...

"When are you planning to join the college?" Mom  queries as mom  opens the refrigerator.

"Not planned yet mom ! But I want to be a lawyer!" I say excitedly but shrink internally as I notice the blank reaction on his  face.

"...If you were to study, you have to go to the town," mom  drags.

"And what If you get pregnant during then? how will you manage it!? We don't allow pregnant  bride  to roam outside. People out there possess evil eyes taehyung !" Mom blurts out in a concerned manner.

FORBIDDEN DESIRE OF LOVE....☆ (TAEKOOK)Where stories live. Discover now