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Jungkook pov ,

The next two days passed by as usual with my regular routine of attending the school, teaching, and back to home and conducting the tuition, then the extra classes of taehyung . he is improving, slowly, but it's still a progress, nevertheless. And with every minute I spend with him.I can sense my feelings becoming firmer for taehyung . I may not show it on my exterior, but his presence is always soothing to my heart...

In the present day, there was the prize distribution ceremony, and taehyung  earned three medals, two golden and one bronze. After getting the medals, I witnessed how he kept on gazing at me as I stood near the correspondent while calling out the student's name.
I wanted to grab him and embrace him but the situation was way too inappropriate to commit that. Hence, as soon as the day came to an end, I impatiently await for taehyung's arrival at my home.

To my great despair, he appears late, thus I have to wait for another two and half hours to be alone and together with him. Needless to say, the time seemed to not move at all. It felt like it has become stagnant abruptly.
Cloaking on my quiet and composed self, I conduct the tuition, solving doubts, questioning the students, and beating them when necessary. I deliberately avoided going to where taehyung was. Seeing him, all I wanted to do was throw taehyung into my arms but unfortunately, as I couldn't be able to do it, I prevented myself from irrelevantly entering the room.

"Jungkook sir,!" That's Han. I turn my head and regard him quizzically as he stands at the entrance of the room.

"I have a doubt, sir," he shows up his book and I nod to him ,signaling him to get in while I stand up from the chair that's installed before the small children who were learning their respective portions.

Upon attaining inside the room, I seat myself on the chair behind the desk. My eyes immediately go in search of taehyung  I sent a quick glance at him sleepy-studying self before darting my gaze back to Han.

he has doubts about physics problem sessions and as I start to break down them to him, he fixes her eyes on my countenance.

"Is there something on my face?" I raise my eyebrows at him.

"No sir..." han blushes and stares down at his book.

I disregard his action and instead get back to resolving his doubt. I hope he gets over these feelings soon, otherwise, he wouldn't be very delighted If I straight away advise and reject him.....

There are seven more months for the 12th grade to reach an end. It's better If he focuses on his studies, the same way he focuses on my face. he at least would score good marks.

Afterward, once the departing time ticks by, I excuse the students and only Taehyung retains back. Making sure every one of the students has left the tuition, I carefully walk up to my room and look at taehyung who is sleeping serenely, similar to a newborn baby. It's hard to wake him up when taehyung seems so deeply fallen into slumber. However, as a teacher, I can't support such behavior.
Squatting in front of him....

I pat taehyung cheeks. he whines and swats away my hands. Suppressing the smile, I feign a serious look and pinch taehyung

"Ohh...ah!" Taehyung hisses, his eyes opening in a hasty blink.

"It's such a blessing to sleep whenever and wherever you desire to, isn't it?" I ask sarcastically whereas taehyung just shakes his  head, trying to pry my hands off his ears.

"Sir...it hurts," I narrow my eyes at taehyung before tightening my hold.

"Let it hurt, this is how you will learn to not sleep during your study time," taehyung frowns painfully and stares at me pleadingly to let go.

"I won't sleep again sir, please, forgive me this once," taehy6hurriedly speaks and joins his both palms. Well, that was a satisfying response.

As I vacate his ears, he rubs the skin there.

"Hardhead," taehyung mutters under his breath but I heed it anyway.

"And you are a sleepy head," I smirk back at him as he looks at me, shocked.

"My senses are sharp," taehyung twitches his lips in a neglectful manner and I grip the back of his neck, sliding my hands onto taehyung soft hair and pulling his  face close to me.

"That's very disrespectful taehyung" taehyung sees me with expanded eyelids, his breathing gradually becoming irregular, which in turn, lends his  chest to heave enticingly.

"Don't you think you deserve punishment for disrespecting me?" I whisper as I trail the tip of my nose against taehyung delicate cheeks. he smells divine...

"Hm?" I urge, positioning my lips a meager distance away from his , but not capturing them within mine. Instead, I look into his eyes and found the sensual feelings swirling in them. Taehyung eyelids involuntarily close and struggles to keep them unlocked.
His bosom crashes against my chest as I move my lips near his and plant them against the corner of taehyung  mouth.

he literally trembles under my touch and breathes audibly and heavily. His expressive reaction stirs my hormones to go berserk but I catch myself together before giving in, and place my lips on taehyung forehead. It calms me down.

"There goes your punishment and reward." I pat his head and settle beside him.

"Reward...?" Taehyung  drags, meeting my eyes, gulping as his gaze roams on my lips.

"Yes, for your sportsmanship! I'm so proud of you," I smile warmly while he flushes.

"Well, now let's get back to our business. Take out your Mathematics book," taehyung nods timidly and picks up his books.

The time went by with me teaching taehyung  the same question repeatedly until he understands the concept thoroughly. he is good at other subjects but when it comes to mathematics, he just hits the bottom.

But taehyung is trying to level up, that's all that matters.

And I kissed taehyung forehead again before he vacates the Tuition......

To be continued........

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