World's Collide

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Everyone in the Heights Alliance in 1-A were promptly woken up by the entire building shaking as if a magnitude 9 earthquake was hitting it causing most of the Hero Course students along with their personal affiliates namely the Big 4, Melissa, Shinso, and Mei, the kids Talia, Eri, Alice, Akazuki, and Kota along with some of the staff namely Eraserhead, Present Mic, Vlad King, Midnight, Mandalay and All Might.

"I'm calling it now. This is somehow Deku's fault" Katsuki proclaimed as he floated in the air using his explosions.

"My fault?! It's Kentarou here that is always attracting people!!" Izuku immediately shifted the blame.

"I only attract allies!!!" Kentarou defended himself.

"Izuku is the one that attracts problems" Shoto said in a deadpan.

"Problem Child, what God did you piss off this time?" Aizawa asked in a monotone as he zipped up his sleeping bag, then neatly folded it, which he placed inside his capture scarf.

"Isn't that a little unfair and illogical, Aizawa?" All Might chastised.

"Be the homeroom teacher of this year's hellspawn class, and you'll also start thinking that" Aizawa promptly replied.

"I can attest to that" Vlad King added his two cents in the matter cause Aya, Darel, and pretty much everyone in class B due to the fact that they are close with a friendly rivalry they are now somehow also gets dragged in problems.

"Shota, you forgot about Kentarou-kun doing the school huge favors, especially you" Midnight chimed in.

"No, I didn't since he also produces problems. I cancel out the favors with them. Besides, Midoriya attracts trouble seemingly at every third intersection or special event" Aizawa replied.

"I really want to defend myself, but looking back at it, I indeed have always encountered problems every third intersection and at every special occasions" Izuku confessed, which made Aizawa sigh.

"Problem Child, that was supposed to be a rhetorical sentence" Aizawa stated, then he saw Kentarou's eyes becoming glazed.

"Uh guys... we are not in our world anymore" Kentarou said much to the shock of everyone.

"What kind of world is it?" Yuki asked since she had heard first witness accounts of what Kentarou looked like when he entered a new world.

"A world where all the myths in our world is real and Dragon Gods are the peak of power especially one massive four winged dragon who is able to control dreams and illusions while the other is a... lolita?" Kentarou said much to the confusion of Katsuki and Shoto.

"You mean to tell me that the strongest beings here is a four winged dragon, which is really badass by the way, and a child?! A FUDGING CHILD?! Do you even hear yourself, man?!" Katsuki yelled out.

"Well, that Lolita is the Dragon God of Infinity or the Ouroboros Dragon" Kentarou said in a dead pan, which made Katsuki's brain blue screen.

"That lolita could toss our butts all the way to next year if we make her mad, although I think I already got her attention... yep, she is looking at our direction. By the way, our summoners are fallen angels and also don't panic if I suddenly disappear since the Ouroboros Dragon looks as if she is making some kind of magic circle" Kentarou said then right after he said that a magic circle appeared below him and then he disappeared.

"Well, there goes one of our powerhouses" Shoto said in monotone, which nearly made Katsuki explode.

"Young Amajiki-kun can take care of himself, but I am worried about young Midoriya since he seems to be out of it" All Might said.

"Kentarou is right about who summoned us, but Ayako, Yuki, the kids, me, and everyone with quirks that can be considered supernatural should probably prepare for our bodies adjusting" Izuku said then just as he said that his body started to vibrate and he passed out then the ones with Elemental control/generation, some sort of telekinesis/telepathy, and people with quirks related to mythology pass out as well.

Aizawa was about to say something to All Might and Vlad King but found the two of them passed out. Meanwhile, Katsuki was frothing in the mouth due to stress.

"Oh, come on! The one time I get dragged in their trouble attraction, I don't get... a... power... up?" Jiro couldn't help but complain that is until she felt her body change in some way.

When Aizawa saw this, he could only groan as he himself was feeling a change in his body. Most likely, due to eating some of Kentarou's food.

"I am really debating whether being Kentarou's teacher is a blessing or a curse" Aizawa couldn't help but say out loud then he went inside his sleeping bag to pretend to sleep while keeping an eye on the teens.

"I guess this isn't the best time to explain?" A tall man appearing to be in his twenties with an average build, black hair, golden bangs and black goatee. He also possesses twelve jet-black feathered wings that grow out from his back.

"Who are you, and why did you summon us?!" Aizawa immediately snapped into a fighting stance along with the other pro heroes much to the tall man's panic.

"Woah there! I come in peace! My name is Azazel, the head cadre of the Gregory" The man said placatingly while putting his hands up while hoping that it is recognized as a universal sign of surrender at the very least.

"To be honest, you guys weren't supposed to be summoned. In fact, we were only testing out a particle accelerator along with a electricity to mana converter that was when things went out of control then with a big boom you guys appeared then one of you got kidnapped by someone then some of the kids started fainting" Azazel explained which made Aizawa groan.

"The one that was kidnapped can handle himself. If anything, I am more worried towards the one who kidnapped him. If their strength lies within their body, then his body would change in order to surpass that being" Aizawa explained, which made Azazel confused.

"Is that his sacred gear? Cause I have never seen it before nor have i heard about it" Azazel couldn't help but ask.

"That is his quirk. Well, our world has superpowers that allow us to do all sorts of things that are still rooted in science but still quite bullshit if you ask me" Aizawa explained.

"Hold on! So you mean to tell me that you're from another universe?! Especially where the supernatural is considered normal?!" Azazel couldn't help but ask with an excited glee in his voice and expression, awfully reminding Aizawa of Izuku whenever he sees a new quirk.

"Yeah, at least according to the one that got kidnapped since he found out that apperantly there are Gods, Dragons, Devils, Angels, Yokai, Fallen Angels, and everything in between living in your universe besides humans" Aizawa explained while shutting his eyes closed due to the pain.

"How does he know all that?" Azazel asked, confused.

"Dad can copy every single genetic detail that can be found in any reality he is placed in since that is how we came to be. Also, he becomes the peak power of a species whenever he transforms into them and he can turn himself into a fusion of different organisms!" Alice excitedly explained.

"Alice, we shouldn't talk to strangers. Mom, Mama, and Dad warned us of stranger danger, remember?" Akazuki scolded meakly as she hurriedly dragged her back to their two remaining parents.

"Why does my head hurt so much? and what are these ready to go blueprints folder in my head labeled Sacred Gears and Satanic Arms?" Izuku groaned out while clutching his aching head due to information overload. Meanwhile, Azazel just looked as if Christmas is about to be celebrated early.

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