Mama Bear Part 1

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Just a warning for some readers...

here in this chapter, there are a couple of mentions of the topic of abuse and self-harm, which I believe are both very serious. The only thing worse than those things happening alone is when people you should be able to trust, such as your family, isn't able to help you for one reason or another, or worse blames the victim
"None of this woulda happened if you'd just left everything alone!" Round n' Round said, angrily flying over the Monroes. "This was Myra's special day, and you wrecked it for her."

"We were only trying to show her how to honor tradition." James said.

"No, you wanted to make this about yourselves!" Mace said, finally standing up to his in-laws. "Brenda and I decided to invite you because we hoped that we could make things right and all be a family. But you're so set in another century that now I see that's just not going to be possible. Brenda had many good things to say about you from her childhood, but for some reason you decided it was a good idea to try to control everything she did."

"We only wanted what was best for her." Cecilia said. "It was how our own parents raised us, so we gave our girls what they needed."

"Is being told that she has to choose a stereotypical job position what she needed? You know, I used to think in a similar way to you under the old Jedi Code, and it nearly cost me everything I cared for. Times have changed, and people along with it. Brenda is a very capable and spirited woman, and you should be proud of the woman she's become. What happened between her and I before, that was on me. She never asked to be left behind or to struggle so she could provide for Myra and love her, and even though I didn't even know Myra existed then, leaving them behind was the worst mistake I ever made. And just because things didn't go a certain way for you and your daughter is no excuse to force your grandchildren to be their replacements."

"Currently, her turning herself into a bear is not helpful to her case." James said.

"She got clavatized because you upset her!" Qui-Gon said, smashing a table with his super strength. "Mariverde targets people specifically when they are emotionally distressed. And not just her or Myra. You have upset all of us by putting all the hard work we put into her celebration to waste."

"Exactly!" Padme said. "Did it never occur to you that your actions would affect more than one person? Myra is a very spirit girl like her mother, and she has so many friends who love her. They love her so much that they all pitched in to create the sweet sixteen she's dreamed of since she was a little girl. But then you had to come in and get rid of everything because your traditions are apparently more important to you than your own family's feelings. And what about Heidi? Where does she stand on all of this? Does she even talk to you or Brenda?"

The Monroes, for once, were quiet.

"What's happening here?" said a new voice.

And everyone saw that the voice belonged to a woman who resembled Brenda, but with short hair. And she wasn't alone. She was with a boy about Boba and Omega's age. Her son Rhett.

"Heidi! You're here." Cecilia said.


"Everyone, this is Heidi and her son Rhett. Where's Walter?"

"Don't speak of him." Heidi glared.

"What did you do, Heidi?" James asked.

"A more important question, where's my sister?" Heidi asked.

"She's been clavatized." Mace said. "I'm Mace Windu, Brenda's fiancé."

"Nice to meet you. But again, where is Brenda?"

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