The Clone Consipiracy

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Months passed since the Bad Batch went on that treasure hunt with Phee. Adventures came and went, and so did the first semester of school. With winter break over and the kids back in school, things seemed like they were going to be okay despite many clavatizations and various other escaped criminals being faced and recaptured. But, people were also concerned. Who could blame them though?

Mariverde was still on the prowl, and more clones were disappearing. Of course, not everyone was concerned about the clones. There were still those who saw them as nothing more than military equipment.

One night, a bunch of clones were sitting in a bar, having drinks and chatting. They were worried about their brothers, and about what would happen to them. More and more of their brothers were disappearing, and the Senate said they were doing all they could, but they didn't believe them.
Recently, the Galactice Republic welcomed a new member. A representative from Enchantran planet Escuela. Lady Mary Anne Posada, a renowned school board official turned senator.
When she was elected into the Senate, she promised she would aid in this battle against Mariverde, but for the clones, they didn't think she was being true to her word. It didn't help that her right-hand man was Edmon Rampart, or that Tarkin was another new ally of hers. The senator claimed she knew nothing of this attack on Kamino, but the clones thought otherwise, as did the Jedi.

"The entire galaxy believes Rampart's lies, even the Senate. It's not right." said a clone named Cade.

"Well, there's nothing we can do about it. Let it go." said another, whose name was Slip.

"How can I? Kamino was our home, and that witch destroyed it. All those cities, all those people gone, because of that monster. And the Senate doesn't think she had anything to do with it."

Slip thought his friend was crazy though.
"Why would a butterfly witch want clones?" The former asked.

"I don't know, but why is Rampart covering it up, huh?"

The clone sighed and said, "I'm sorry, Slip. I can't stay silent any longer."

"Wait. What did you do?" asked Slip.

"I sent a message to Rampart. Gave him the chance to tell the Senate the truth before I did it myself."

Cade left the bar, Slip following close behind.
"Cade! Cade, stop!" Slip begged. "You know what Rampart's capable of. It's too dangerous."

"Slip, we need to do something. What happened on Kamino was wrong." Cade said. "Please, I need your help. Together we can-"

Cade never got to finish his sentence, however, because he was shot! Slip took out his blaster, but it got shot from his hands too! So he hid behind a bike. People were screaming as they caught sight of the shooting. Whoever was shooting kept trying to hit Slip, but he found shields in the form of the bikes parked nearby and made his way to Cade. He checked his brother's pulse. There was none. So, he just grabbed Cade's gun and fired in the directions the shots came from, but only faced more shots. Then, Slip got an idea.
Slip activated the vehicle he was hiding behind and continued firing, using it as a moving shield until he could jump over the railing and ride away.

Meanwhile, more clone troopers came and found Cade's body on the ground.
"Secure the perimeter!" said one clone.
All four troopers looked around, guns at the ready, but nothing.
The next morning...
Chancellor Organa was nearing his wit's end as new problems just kept on rising and rising. But as the new leader of the Senate, he had to be as calm as possible.

"While the cataclysmic storm on Kamino was tragic," said one senator, named Gani Riduli. "the reality is that without the production of new clone troopers, we are vulnerable. Admiral Rampart's proposed Defense Recruitment Bill will keep us protected."

Legend of the Jedi Princess 3: Return of the Doreshoजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें