CHAPTER -16 Out of Focus

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 The next morning when I woke up I felt everything different. It is normal day but it felt special. I was happy for no reason. I've lot of work piled up. I've back to back meetings but I was out of focus. I took relaxing shower. I took out a black suit and combed my hair. I packed all the necessary files and documents and when I took my phone I was checking for messages. All of a sudden I had an urge to see my girls' chubby cheek and her boxy smile. I checked the selfie we took that day. That smile really was mesmerizing. The way she was pouting, her soft cherry lips and pulling her cheeks slightly made me chuckle. I badly wanted to pull those cheeks. I want to squeeze them. Sometimes it feels like a hot bun which I wanted to pull out a part and eat.

"What the heck am I thinking?" I came out of my thoughts when my phone rang. It was Justin "Buddy everything is arranged for meeting. Even clients will be here at sharp 10 when your highness will reach the office?" he was teasing me.

 I cut him short and rushed downstairs for breakfast. I was in a hurry so I planned to have sandwich and a glass of juice. When I went near Dining table Momo told me that RE reached home safely and also said she thanked me once again for joining her till bus stop. "She is such an angel" I smiled inside and just nodded my head. I had a quick breakfast and rushed to office. The press was capturing my pictures and I had my guards escorting me to the reception. 

The receptionist put up her sexiest smile ever and wished me which I ignored with honor. Her smile is like dust comparing to my cutie pie. "Cutie pie? What is going on?" I took the elevator and reached the 45th floor where I had my cabin. I walked past so many employees who wished me and I just shook my head. Every single woman in the office tried their best to get on my shoes but RE got into my mind so easily and I'm finding it hard to shake her thoughts off just with a sharp green eye and her chubby boxy smile. 

 My assistant Charlie came in informing about my schedules today, but my mind was occupied by RE's thoughts. Justin came in and gave a sweet kiss on Charlie's hands. I was back to earth and four curious eyes were staring into mine. I adjusted my clothes and asked Charlie to explain the schedule again preparing for my meeting. Soon Justin and I were in the meeting hall with clients. The meeting went well and finally we decided to expand our branch in US. I was still out of focus. I was eyeing the single page for hours. I was chuckling frequently and everyone was in utter shock. 

I was hardheaded Stern Boss. For me work comes first. I was kind but most of the time I was rock. Momo had her own dreams. She wanted to achieve something on her own. My dad held the responsibilities these days and he wanted to spend the time with mom. The future of the Morris Industries and the families of the employees were in my shoulders. All these days I've been focusing on Work. 

Before, for weeks I've been nonstop working without adequate rest. I ran from one branch to another solving issues, Handling queries, attending back to back meetings, Mergers and acquisitions frequent travel all these strained my body. Since I was in the learning phase I did overwork and once everything settled I went back home after weeks and couldn't stand but collapsed in front of my family. The last thing I could hear that minute was Momo calling my name. I was unconscious for three days and my family was there with me all the time. 

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