Integration Part 15

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Chase saw Jager walk into Menta's doghouse. He had long suspected that there was something between them. Skye noticed the German Shepherd paying close attention to something.

Skye: What are you looking at?

She asked kindly.

Chase: I think there's more between Menta and Jager than just friendship.

The girl looked at the boy questioningly.

Skye: What do you mean?

Chase was about to explain when they heard a noise behind them.

Smeerder: Hi, guys. What's up?

The police dog wasn't thrilled about being interrupted in their conversation.

Skye: Hi. We were just talking. By the way, where did you come from?

The labrador sat down.

Smeerder: From a nearby town called Toyville.

At this point, Chase, in an annoyed and somewhat angry tone, spoke up.

Chase: Great. I think the others would love to meet you too.

This was a pretty strong signal from Chase for Smeerder to leave them. The labrador understood it right away.

Smeerder: Oh, yeah, you're right. Okay, see you.

He hurriedly walked away. At this point, Skye looked at Chase with sharp eyes.

Skye: Did you have to do that? He just wanted to make friends.

Chase: Yeah, you're right.

Then Chase continued what he started.

Chase: So, to answer your question. I mean that they spend a lot of time together, and I think they're in love with each other.

The girl was surprised and thought about the past few months.

Skye: Hmm, it's possible.

At this point, Jager stepped out of Menta's doghouse. The two dogs looked at each other and started smiling.

Smeerder went to Marshall.

Smeerder: Hi.

The dalmatian smiled at him.

Marshall: Hi.

The dalmatian took a step and tripped, knocking over Smeerder too.

Marshall: Sorry. I'm not very lucky.

The labrador got up and shook himself.

Smeerder: No problem.

He started walking again but this time went to Rocky, who was talking to Zuma.

Smeerder: Hi, guys.

The mix was pleased to see the new member walking around and getting to know everyone.

Rocky: Hi, Smeerder. How are you feeling with us so far?

Smeerder sat down.

Smeerder: Well, Skye is nice, but Chase not so much. Marshall thinks he's funny when he's not.

Zuma didn't really like how quickly Rocky and Smeerder had become friends.

Zuma: Sorry, but does it bother you that we were in the middle of a conversation?

Smeerder chuckled at Zuma's speech impediment, although he didn't want to laugh at him for it. This annoyed Zuma.

Zuma: It's not funny that I can't pronounce a letter.

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