What if......

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i think this will be like a whole what if series.


Aru ran up the stairs until she reached the roof, which was one of her favorite places to go to when Aru feels sad. There was a big cherry blossom tree in full bloom on the building, but no one knows how it lives there. I broke down, letting all my tears flow freely. She hiccupped and I took short shallow breaths, sitting down and bringing my knees to her chest. 
That's when the thoughts started. At first, they were good and bad but soon the bad ones overpowered the good.

Why would he like you

You're amazing

He likes her better

She's your sister

You're ugly

You're a misfit

You don't belong

You're a liar

But the incoming phrases that made a difference made this event go horribly wrong.

Nobody will ever love you

You're a freak

They never wanted to be friends

They all hate you

You. are. worthless

Suddenly, Aru tuned out all the noise. She got up and walked to the edge of the roof, blankly staring down at the city. there was one last thought in her head. She didn't notice the figure walking up to her.

Do it

She jumped, transmitting one last message to her soul sisters.

I'm sorry


Yup yup sad oneshot of the day!

How was it?

How are you guys?

gotta go byeeee


Aru Shah OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now