My OC's actual backstory

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See I have this new OC, Zora, and well for the sake of my new fanfic's plot she has a different history but this is the actual one i thought up. Enjoy!


Zora kept her fighting stance. She wasn't going to let the Sleeper destroy her town. Suddenly a asura emerged from the shadows and grabbed her dad and her sister and then placed her against a wall. 

"No, not Dad," Zora pleaded, " Please don't take them, take me, please"

The monster held her dad with only one hand by the neck, smiling maliciously. 

"I've waited so long to do this, I'll finally get revenge" He said, squeezing the life out of Zora's only parent. Zora heard only a few words from her dad before he died.

"Shine Zuzu, shine like the moon" He croaked out.

Zora ran to her little sister who was frozen in fear. She wrapped one arm around the little 6-year-old, and held out another in order to be able to defend the two siblings. But the asura simply grabbed her arm and then her little sister, whose name was Kayla. 

"No please," Zora was now in tears," She's all I have left,"

"Exactly" The asura said with a wicked smile. Zora lost it right then. She blasted the stupid monster who dropped Kayla, who was caught by Zora and was told to run.

"You will not take another piece of my family" Zora said, her eyes glowing a dangerous red.

"Watch me"

That's all Zora remembers before hearing Kayla's screams, the spatter of blood, the asura on the ground dying with a wide smile on his face with her vision filled with red and falling onto her knees as her home burned down. She can still hear his deep voice echoing those words in her head. But the one thing she wanted to know wasn't told to her. 

Where were the Pandavas when she needed them.

And that's when she had made up her mind. Because of them she had lost everything, so they deserved the same.


So part 2?

I kinda based it off Wanda Maximoff, and a few other characters from different fandoms like Harumi from Ninjago and such. I personally think this was a bit rough and there can be a part 2.

imma make a picrew of her later too


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