~Ep 20: Skit Play🥳

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As the calendar flipped its pages to reveal the dreaded exams week, a notable shift in the atmosphere engulfed the campus.

Uffff!!!! The exams week!!!!! Has arrived!!!

The once vibrant corridors echoed with the shuffling of feet were now replaced by the burden of textbooks and notes, transforming the joyful laughter into hushed whispers of concentration and seriousness.

The library which remained almost empty was now filled with students.
Each of them, hands were now occupied with books... That's the dread of exams, fear to be failed!!

"Just let this examination be finished and then... we have a skit play. Yayyy!!!! I am too excited to get through these stressful exams!!" Emily chimes in hope ...

To which I replied, "Yess ... Only a few more days to go!"


With tired eyes and weary souls, we trudged through the days, our minds consumed by equations, theories, and endless pages of study material. As we poured ourselves into our textbooks, determined to absorb every inch of the knowledge mentioned in it.

Days blurred into nights, and nights into days, as we surrendered ourselves to the relentless rhythm of these exams...

Days passed by giving exams... with our full concentration and focus.

And then, finally, the day arrived when the last exam was upon us. There was a sense of relief in the air, mingled with a hint of freedom, that we'll experience after exams get over.

And then, in the blink of an eye, when the minute hand strikes the 12, it was over. The last paper was submitted, the final hurdle was cleared. A collective sigh of relief swept through the room, mingling with the rustle of papers and the shuffling of feet as we prepared to leave the room.

Walking out of the examination hall, a sense of peace washed over us like a gentle tide, soothing the edges of our weary souls. We did it!!!

I can't express the feeling that we have on the last day of the paper ... Oooff the peace we get on that day 🤌it's literally like getting out from the jail!!

And with that our Sem 1 ended...

...After 2 weeks of holidays ...

As Emily and I strolled through the echoing corridors of our school, the chatter of students filled the air. Suddenly, our steps halted, as we approached the crowd at the notice board.

Curiosity piqued, we edged closer, weaving through the sea of excited students.

Walking closer... with a grin, Emily, my ever-enthusiastic companion, leaned in, her eyes sparkling with anticipation, and inquired about the commotion. One of the girl, barely containing her own excitement, eagerly informed us of the Notice pinned to the board: an announcement for auditions for the upcoming skit play, that was going to start from this Thursday.

Emily, who was standing beside me, in an instant, her eyes lit up like a child as she clasped her hands together in excitement. It was as if she had been waiting for this moment her entire life.

For me, the news was met with a mix of apprehension and intrigue. While the prospect of participating in the skit play was undeniably enticing. I couldn't help but feel a twinge of uncertainty flutter in my chest.


The notice about the audition, for the play, spread through the school corridors like wildfire, bringing an enthusiasm among the students.


...In the Evening...
...At the shop...

-----Y/N's pov-----

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