Ep 24: Closer 🫶

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In the busy bustling life, college days were going amazing. Each weekday was a marathon of lectures and notes, while we would all eagerly wait for the weekends not because we had holidays but we really enjoyed the practise, it kept our spirits vibrant.

During practice we would make new friends, share experiences, someone would crack jokes in between the rehearsal and all would laugh their hearts out... Even the teachers were friendly with us. It was a great fun time!!

On Saturday, it was our 5th Session of Skit play, Scene 2 part 3: the meeting of the prince (Eric)and the princess(Valeria) at the garden.

As our names were called out, Taehyung and I stepped onto the stage, our scripts clutched tightly in our hands like lifelines in the sea of anticipation that enveloped us. The spotlight bathed us in its warm soft glow.

With a gentle yet authoritative tone, the teacher outlined the scenario, painting a vivid picture of the scene we were about to bring to life. We were to portray characters from a royalty era, where the formalities of royalty dictated every movement and interaction. I was to enact the grace and personality of the princess Valeria, while Taehyung would take on the role of a prince Eric who was a guest at Valeria's father kindom, drawn to Valeria's presence. And that was the scene to be presented.

As the scene unfolded before us, I imagined myself amidst a lush garden, the air alive with the chirping of birds and the scent of blooming flowers. My character, lost in reverie, was to be found feeding the birds, her heart open to the wonders of nature.

Taehyung's character, intrigued by my presence, would approach with a sense of curiosity, his eyes sparkled with wonder as he wandered into unfamiliar territory.

With the guidance of our teacher, we practiced our dialogues, each word carefully chosen to convey our characters' emotions.

Then, with a nod from the teacher, we were given a sometime to prepare, to immerse ourselves fully in the roles we were about to inhabit. Stepping slightly offstage, we searched for an appropriate place for our own practice.


"Okay so we'll practice here, this place seems fine to me." Taehyung said ..

"Yupp!!" Y/n said while glancing and nodding simultaneously.

"Okay then let's start..."


And we practiced till we could perfectly enact it. Taehyung being the master of it he would efficiently guide me. He has good acting skills!


As Y/n immersed herself in her role, her focus unwavering as she delivered her lines with precision and grace, Taehyung found himself captivated by her every move.

He was enjoying every moment... Earlier he couldn't look into her eyes whereas now he could look into y/n's chocolaty brown eyes without any hesitation, he can hold her hand, have sweet conversation, and as directed on the script.


Two were engrossed in their practice while someone was really unhappy watching those two being together.

...After an hour ...

The teacher called Taehyung and Y/N onto the stage and told them to show.

Taehyung and y/n taking their position started their role..


Amidst the serene backdrop of a garden filled with the soft chirping of birds, Valeria found herself lost in the simple pleasure of feeding the birds that flitted about. Her movements were graceful, her smile radiant as she scattered breadcrumbs with gentle precision.

🪻𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕽𝖆𝖎𝖓🪻|| 𝐊𝐓𝐇🪻Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang