Ep 25: Accept it!!✨

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"Bro, just accept that you like her!"
Jimin exclaimed, his tone a mixture of amusement and sincerity.

"What?!" Taehyung's eyes widened in shock, his heart racing at the unexpected confession. He had never voiced his feelings aloud, not even to himself, yet here was Jimin, laying the bare truth.

Jimin turned towards Taehyung, his expression a mixture of supporting and understanding...
"Bro, your eyes tell," he continued, his voice gentle yet firm.
"And your actions... Wherever you go, your eyes always lay on her. Whether it was at Nana's birthday party, or at the canteen, or while doing the assignments. Wherever you go your eyes search for y/n.

Later, you were upset, when y/n was ignoring you. You even told me to find out who was behind it, then you blackmailed Nana with the video, and told her to stop whatever she was doin...

Taehyung cut off Jimin and said ...
"You are exaggerating things, I did that as a good friend should do..."

"Oh really!!! Bro ... Okay, I believe you but then what about those silent prayers you were doing so that Y/n gets the female lead?" Jimin pressed on, his tone unwavering.
"Why her, Taehyung? Why do you want her only?"

Taehyung felt a flush of embarrassment wash over him as Jimin listed off the instances where his admiration for Y/n had been all too evident. He opened his mouth to protest, to offer some excuses for his behavior, but Jimin was not finished.

"Moreover, the time, we were having milkshakes! So you think, I didn't notice how you acted, attempting to share straw with Y/N.
You can't hide it from me, Taehyung!"

"Ummm... Yeah ... No... I mean ...." Taehyung stammered, and then he went silent, his mind racing as he struggled to come to terms with the depth of his feelings for Y/N. He had never allowed himself to entertain the possibility of falling for someone so deeply, so completely, yet here he was, faced with the undeniable truth that he is starting to fall head over heels for someone.

"Bro we have been friends for the past 6 years and you are hiding things from me. It hurts... I share everything with you but, you don't even care to!" Jimin said while folding his hand

Taehyung felt a pang of guilt wash over him. He had never intended to keep his feelings a secret from Jimin, yet somehow, he had managed to deceive, even himself.

"Okay!okay! I'm sorry, Jimin," Taehyung finally admitted, his voice tinged with remorse.
"I didn't mean to. I just... I wasn't sure of it myself. I went with the flow. When I first saw her, at the store room. I really felt attracted to her. I wanted to flirt with her, like I do with other girls but she was different. Later, so many incidents happened from Nana's incident to locking ourselves and so on..., that actually made me know her a little better, made us closer. At first I wasn't serious."

He took a deep breath and again continued,
"I felt something... something I couldn't explain even to myself. And as we spent more time together, I realized that she wasn't like other girls. She was special."

Jimin listened quietly, his expression softening as Taehyung poured out his heart. "I want to be with her, Jimin," Taehyung confessed, his voice barely above a whisper. "I want to be the one, who holds her hand. I want to be more than just a friend." Taehyung finally confesses to Jimin.

"Ohhh my God Taehyung," Jimin cupped his cheeks and with a playful glint in his eyes he said "You are talking like a lover boy. Aissh!!! Finally! My bro, has become a Man!" Jimin teased him.

"Huh?Man? What nonsense! I am a man! " Taehyung said and smacked Jimin's arm lightly,

"Yeah yeah ...I know..." Jimin chuckled

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