chapter 10

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As soon as they left Emma charged towards me.

"You whore, you tried to still my man. You bitch." If anyone else would hv said this to me I would hv been okay but my own little sister is saying such things to me.
I remember when she used to be 3 years old.
"Sissy play with me pls."

"No, Emma I ve to mop the floor. We will play later okay, I promise."

"No, pwease sarah.. pweas play."little Emma said pouting. But mother will scold me and beat me if I played and not did my work.

"Pwease." Emma pouted and I gave in.

"Okay Emma,but only 15minutes okay." Emma nodded jumping and squealing in excitement.

And now here she is jumping at me and pulling my hair calling me whore.

"Emma, no dont do this. You know me right, you know your sister would not do that to you." She pulled my hair and slapped me. But I cant fight back not with my baby sissy.

My mother has gotten in her head. But she is my sister. I cant hit her even if she killed me.

My mother came and punch me in the stomach.i groaned in pain.

"You useless, ungrateful pathetic slut how dare you do such things to my precious Emma."

"No, mother. You know I didn't do anything. Stop it pls, Emma's 12 and I m 16 we both should not fight over boys not in this age. And Emma, you are my baby sissy I will never-" I cupped her cheeks and she pulled her face back and cut me off by saying "dont touch me, you gold digging whore." Tears rolled down my cheeks.

My baby sister who used to call me sissy is calling me whore. Amazing isn't it.

I cant even feel pain now. They kept beating me nonstop. But I cant hit them back I won't.
I would never.

My mother punched my face and sister punched my eyes. Blood dripped down my face. They didn't stop.they dont care. No one cares really. Why would someone care for me. Why would someone care for a pathetic worthless whore?
Maybe I am a whore. That's why they call me that.

They r still beating me. I hv stopped screaming. Coz..what's even the point. My sister is slapping me now continuously without even feeling a slight pain to do so. I winced as she hit  the corner of my lips which was already busted.
Thay soon got satisfied and left. Leaving me their alone. Sitting against the wall.

I soon got up and walked to my room with walls support.  I fell near the door and blacked out.


What do you guys think about this chapter?........ I knew you would love it........... I hope so

This chapter was too depressing wasn't it?
Believe it or not I cried while writing this.
So,what do you think is gonna happen with sarah?
Will she die?
Will someone save her?
Will her mother soften?
Will her sister understand her mistakes?
Will sarah ever be loved before dying?
Anyways byeeee!!!!!
Take care ❣️


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