Chapter 21

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I woke up by hearing my mother's screams. She was screaming and an alcoholic started shouting at her. She is constantly muttering sorry as that heartless monster started beating her. Calling her names.

I quickly ran out of my room to save my mum, to save my mum from this evil monster.

I ran into the living room to find my mother on the floor and a alcoholic whipping her by his belt.

" dont do that stay away..stay away from her. Dont do that." I yelled at him. I yelled at him to stop hurting my mum.

" You are just like him aren't you, just like him. She raised you to be like that. She did." The alcohol slurred, whipping her again. Making my mum whimper in pain but she is trying to control her pain, to hide it from me.

"Stay away from her, you monster." I said, standing in behind them. Protecting my mum. I mother grabbed my shirt and said "Noah...he is not beating me okay....we..we are just playing acting,and see how good he is...but you must sleep okay. You hv school go, go to bed."

"No...I know it's not true, this..this drunk alcoholic monster is beating you."

"What did you call me, wait.......let me show you." He said, moving his hand in the air and then moving it back down to whip me but my mum pushed me aside and came in between.

"No no pls dont beat him, beat me how much you want.....but pls.pls." my mum pleaded for my sake. Begged this beast to forgive me. And in return he just whipped her continuously.

I want to go between again, to save my mother, to take her whippings, I want to save her but I cant. I am froze.

"'t don't do that. Stay away from her you monster. leave her. Leave her alone. Beat me as much you want but leave her." My father sped up and whipped her again and again, her skin is tored off now. Blood all over her body. I screamed, shouted at him to leave her alone but he just didn't listen.

Her blood is now all over the place. He moved to tear her clothes. "No no no pls pls dont, dont do that pls. Dont beat her, pls pls I beg you pls.


Sarah's pov

I woke up by screams, Noah's screams. I fluttered my eyes open to find Noah sleeping beside me on a bed, yelling, pleading.

He is having a nightmare.

I quickly got up and shook him.

"Noah, Noah everything's alright wake up wake up." I softly said shooking his body gently.

"No no dont dont do that no no." He screamed and shook in terror. He is terrified. This is the first time I have seen him this terrified,no petrified.


t is the first time I hv seen him like this, so broken, so miserably hurt. I feel sorry for him.

"Noah Noah it's's just a nightmare." I shook his face gently to wake him up and wrapped my hands around his face. " okay." He fluttered his eyes open and moved backwards trembling. " Noah it's was just a nightmare. It okay." I said softly moving closer and he gently pulled me closer to him. I hugged him tightly and whispered nice things and patted his head softly till he dozed off to sleep.

But I couldn't sleep. I really couldn't.
After seeing him this terrified, I just cant sleep. I m sorry for him. I hate seeing my friend like this.

I know how it feels, I know how nightmare feels. It's terrifying. I know coz I hv been through this. I have had sleepless nights, still do.

But I dont want my friend to suffer through the same. I don't.

I wonder if he has to go through the same as well. I wonder if he also has to crave for atleast 1 hour of peaceful sleep.

I pray to get all of his nightmares. I pray that he always have peaceful sleep.


What do you guys think about this chapter?

I feel bad writing this 😞

What do you think about Noah's nightmares?
Who do you think he was referring to monster?
And was that even a real nightmare?

Anyways byeeee



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