Chapter 22

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I woke up to find my self next to noah, No under Noah. He's suffocating me. Not a bad suffocating though, a good one.

I would love to get suffocated by his warm body, I would love to be suffocated under his beautiful odor for the rest of my life. Oh god he smells so good.

Wait..what am I thinking...

I smacked my head to erase the weird thoughts off my mind and looked at his face.

Oh my fucking god!!

How can someone look this beautiful even in the morning? Shit...

His lips,his face,his eyes (even though it's closed) looks absolutely gorgeous. His forehead and nose is shining due to sweat in a very sexy way.

Is he real? No he isn't.

I m sure he isn't, how can he be real.

He moved a bit and held my waist tighter and snuggled my neck, making shiver run down my spine.

How is he both beautiful and adorable at the same time?

I moved my hands to his  dark brown hair playing with it. His hair is soft and silky unlike I expected it to be. I always thought boys had bad hair. Even his hair is beautiful.

Noah snuggles in my neck again then yawned and looked at me shooting his head up.

I quickly removed my hand from his hair. "Sorry...I didn't mean to wake-"

"No..dont stop."he said making me confused.

I have him a questioning look "what?"

"It feels good." He smiled,hugging me back.

I grinned like I won a prize and make my way to his hair. I can to this forever. I love his hair.

He also trailed his hand to my hair and massaged my head while playing with my hair.

"Your hair is good." I said.

"So is yours."

"I didn't expected boys to have such a nice hair." I said truthfully.

"I didn't expected you to be a sexist." He teased playfully.

I rolled my eyes and realised he can't see me. " I m not." I scold. He just shrugged.

"Tessa? Will your mother be angry? For you to stay at my place." He said after sometimes looking at my face, still massaging my head.

"Uh..yeah she is not home." He gave me a questioning look and I said. " She left to Paris with Emma yesterday."

"Why didn't you go as well?" He asked. I dont want to make him worried or sad.

"I didn't felt like it." I told him.

He nodded and we both got up "uh...tess." he said scratching his neck. I nodded and he said "thank you.....for helping me yesterday......for the nightmare."

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